📷Meetup @deanliu and his young man in 2D+ Video | 与@deanliu 和他的儿子的 2D 见面+ 视频😎(by @ace108)

Leaving the office on the dot at 6pm on Thursday 10.10. Hmm, I haven't shop for anything online yet. OMG, saw so many chickens as I walked to take the bus to Chinatown.

周四 10.10 准时6点钟离开办公室。嗯,我还没有在网上买过任何东西。天哪,我走路去乘公车去牛车水的路上看到了这么多鸡。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

https://soundcloud.com/alan-chang-563971986/four-concerti-grossi-4-vivaldi-op8-i-la-primavera-allegro-largo-allegro Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/

Got off the bus and went underground passing through the Chinatown MRT station and came out to where I was heading to meet @deanliu

下了车,穿过牛车水地铁站,来到我要去见 @deanliu 的地方

Seemed to be quite a crowd in the early evening.

Except the what used to be a food street was empty but I saw a new café which looked interesting enough.

So, I just stopped by and took a quick look.

Finally, meet @deanliu and his boy outside Chinatown complex. Haha, he called out to me first from where they were sitting next to the group of usual chess players.
最后,在牛车水大厦外见到了 @deanliu 和他的儿子。哈哈,他坐在一群常在那里下棋的人旁边的地方叫了我一声。

Wanted to go a Chinese food stall to order some dishes but they were not very hungry. So, looked around a bit and saw the hokkien noodle stall which I bought fried noodle from before.

Bought 3 small plates of noodle but the $5 portion still wasn't very small.
买了 3 小盘炒福建面,但 5 元的份量还算不太小。

One way to describe Singapore weather is rain or no rain. Another way is hot or hotter. So, good time to look for a place with aircon. I decided to go looked for the 2D café I spotted earlier. So, 2D is monochrome. They closed at 9pm but when we went in at 7.30pm they said it was last order time.
描述新加坡天气的一种方式是下雨或不下雨。另一种方式是热或更热。所以,找一个有空调的地方是个好注意。我决定去找我之前发现的 2D 咖啡馆。所以,2D等于单色哦。他们在晚上 9 点关门,但当我们在晚上 7 点 30 分进去时,他们说这是最后点餐时间。

It's OK. We were not getting food that needed time to coke. Just drinks and dessert. Looked at the simple black and white menu.

The whole place is monochrome.

There is a flight of stairs going up but they said there is nothing up there.

There were only two other ladies dining in here. Maybe, I should also have dressed up in black and white to come here. 😎

Quickly went to the counter to order the desserts and drinks.

Took a photo with the man and his son but I'm just showing off myself here.

The yuzu osmanthus tea was nice.

Also yuzu osmanthus cake too and look at the way it was served.

@deanliu noticed some martial arts "manual" next to where we sat.
@deanliu 注意到我们坐的位置旁边有一些“武林秘籍”。

We chatted for a quite a long time. The ladies left and it was close to their closing time.

So, we left too.

Went outside and you could see they wasted no time closing the place.

It was too to meet in person after blogging for 7 over years. Thanks to @deanliu for the pineapple cake from Taiwan.
写了7年多博客终于能见面了,太开心了。感谢@deanliu 送的台湾凤梨酥。

Managed to start up my 5 year old Lenovo laptop after maybe about 10 tries to write this. I hope it last until the next tech show in November or Black Friday. I'm looking to get a Lenovo P14 and that is not cheap but I think it should be a good one.
在写这篇文章之前,我尝试了大概 10 次,终于启动了我 5 年前的联想笔记本电脑。我希望它至少能用到 11 月的下一个科技展或黑色星期五。我想买一台联想 P14,虽然不便宜,但我认为它应该不错。

Here is a video I recorded.



Cafe Monochrome (Chinatown)is located at25 Trengganu St, #01-12, Singapore 058476

Cafe Monochrome (Chinatown)位于25 Trengganu St, #01-12, Singapore 058476

[//]:# (!worldmappin 1.28262 lat 103.84404 long Trengganu Street, Cafe Monochrome (Chinatown), Singapore d3scr)


Please see my other posts: @ace108

请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎

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