¿Should we send this stubborn MoFo to treatment immediately?

⬇This Stubborn Motherfucker⬇

Send him and to all his accomplices and henchmen immediately to the Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Austria or wherever in the world it takes to end their unbearable suffering and miserable life right away? ¿Would you be that magnanimous?

¿Wouldn't that be the most humane and pious thing to do for an useless parasite and a brainless leech who already is clearly mentally ill, incurable and hopeless for the humankind?

¿Or would it be even better and more merciful to just shoot him right in the spot and nail a big bullet in his non-existent brain like the cowboys used to do with horses with a broken leg in the Wild West?

¿Which of these treatments would be the most pious and merciful? ¿Huh?

Yeah, «click» first on all the links shown in colored letters in this post and then let me know your magnanimous and liberating opinion in the comments section below.

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