Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Cottage on the Hill

I have heard of isolated but “The Cottage on the Hill” takes the biscuit.

There would be no way on earth to find this seriously buried gem without a reference and I have to thank @grindle once again for the share.


Unless you count a concrete factory around half a mile as your neighbour, then silence is all you are going to get in this extremely isolated rural welsh part of the world.


’this is the only clue that something once existed up that hill’

We had to walk from the factory as the road was so narrow and were grateful the weather didn’t suck that day.


The hill continued upwards, the only sign of anything other than long annoying weeds were slight colours of indistinguishable shapes.


We passed an old van; I can say for sure that plate is not legal but it took away the guesswork as to who manufactured it.



Another red van was opened up, rear-facing us, and held a few goodies. Why a Betamax recorder is discarded outside is anyone's guess.



Just look at that.. it must have been someone's pride and joy once. Sony produced quality stuff in the early 1980s; it would have cost a small fortune.

Google reveals nothing about the 'Hanimex Cadmatic 720', but I see the company went bust in 2004.


They used to produce photography equipment and I vaguely remember the brand.

We traipsed around the grounds looking for further evidence of human existence and spotted a shed that was extremely hard to get to.


The weeds were intense and the inside disappointing, unless rusty drawers are your thing.


Dumping all these contents of the discarded weed killer and plant enhancers onto the over-growing green shit all around us crossed my mind, but I knew it wouldn't instantly kill it and make access to the cottage easier.

Speaking of which.. where was that damn cottage?


I had a vague idea of the direction and after fighting through nettles, brambles, weeds as tall as myself and thistles I spotted something through the dense jungle.

Was it a wall?


More hacking down weeds told me it was the main course, but a little more work would be required to get any closer.

The front door looked to be wide open, a bonus!


Home-sweet-home; what happened to the carpet? I can understand the wallpaper peeling a little but the floor must have been supremely cold, especially with bare feet.


The ex-owner had contacts in the Far East, or was he a traveler?


I made the assumption it was an old hermit, who wore those trousers and very colourful flowery ties reminiscent of the 1980s'.


A couple of cassette tapes and a lover of Garfield. It all smelt very 1980s.


Why not decorate your shelves with empty wine bottles. That's not a full moon shining through the window, ahem…


The windows had almost survived. These isolated places are great, with no stupid thugs to be seen anywhere wrecking them.


Only BBC channels on this particular TV, and with room to expand. It would be a lot later when anything other than BBC1 and BBC2 arrived.


An Introduction to what.. it's Opera.. enough said, I am not a fan. Is there some welsh written on that tape?


The door looked strangely new and out of place. Had someone thought about sealing the place tight and stopped at the first door?


I was hoping the kitchen would be similarly decorated as well as the lounge but was disappointed.



BOK BOK is clothing for girls? That doesn’t quite fit the stereotype I am building.


This is much more interesting. David Reimers (who can’t be found on Google), is not happy with UK bog paper and indicated he may like to import it from South Africa?

What's the hell is wrong with wiping your arse on Andrex David?

The only method of getting to the back of "The Cottage on the Hill" was to walk through it and exit via the back door.


I could see the building was not exactly in great shape. It’s a little on the wonky side.

Who was David Reimers and what has become of him? I figure he was an old granddad type. Who else wears dated jackets such as these?


The name is not very popular but other than some Australian dude who kept popping up there appears to be no record of that name in Wales, United Kingdom.

It’s another mystery house…


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