Tales of the Urban Explorer: Empress Mill

'That old mill is being renovated and turned into flats, what a great idea! '

Except when it’s not; ‘Empress Mill’ dates back to between 1903 and 1909, a little late compared to many, but there were still years for people to go and be a working slave for many decades.


In 2011, the Mill was renovated and separated into flats released for sale at £85,000 a pop, not bad for a semi-central area but there was a catch.

Leaking roofs, mould, exposed electrical wires and a dodgy gas connection were but some of the problems.

"We have invested in something that doesn’t exist. I’m paying £120 a month on a mortgage for a pile of rubble." – a pissed off-resident.

It was all going to end in tears and by 2021 the evacuations were underway. The story can be found here.

'Orchid Point was supposed to be affordable, non-affordable housing, but ended up being derelict housing, and a not so grand place for us to visit’… - Source

We didn’t know it at the time; it looked kind of renovated but in a fucked up way with what looked like furniture from the ex-residents within the grounds.


Getting past the herras fencing was never going to be an issue but still, we lingered and checked out the entirety of the perimeter.


'Orchid Point' was the new name for this short-lived development and those gates were a little too spiky for my liking.


There was plenty of evidence of the origins, and no effort had been made to scrub away what history remained.


After looking around like would-be shoplifters, this was going to be the way into the grounds and short of avoiding standing on the usual squishy types of substances, it was with ease that we made it inside the fencing.


Inside was the usual mess we are well accustomed to seeing. I noticed more mattresses and sofas hanging around with intent.


How to get inside? I had to stifle a laugh at the audacity of this sight. How anyone managed to rip off that huge door is beyond my thinking. It looked like we had arrived just on time, and the ravaging door-ripping monster had only left minutes before.

Cursed or not, we were going in there.


I feel sorry for the furniture knowing it’s not very old and yet been subjected to the usual mindless smashing up.


Both of James’ balls appear to be acting up, it’s not good at all, but he’s trying to pull a fast one with his insurance. More shit news would be coming soon; you’re also going to lose your flat.


Did this look better ten years ago? I would hope so, as it looks like another derpy shithole to me. See the hole in the corner, that’s another incoming theme.


To travel around 'Empress Mill', visitors must use the hole facilities, that is... scrambling through them, and picking up a few injuries to boot. This one was a little tough on the back.


The next room was even worse, we should have visited a few months earlier, but then again the 'hole' travel system could have been a lot less developed then.


Who needs doors when you have 'alternative' ways of moving around?


If you come across locked doors and there are no holes, it’s time to go up.


Empress Mill’ was a little devoid of features, but was proving an interesting romp nevertheless. The secondary hole was a little tight, and slipping through there topless would have given me some lovely scratch marks.


Upstairs means you can spy on the rooms below, no privacy was another shortcoming of the 'Orchid Point' housing experiment.


Another room with fuck all inside, oh well.., through the hole we go.


@anidiotexplores wasn’t liking the stench inside ‘Empress Mill’ much. I don't recall it being any worse than your usual shithole, at least so far.


Someone liked their beds, more than having access to the kitchen facilities. One per night and rotate them frequently. Everyone has their deviances.


A chilling warning to the likes of US..., gulp…. The writer must be of suitably high education to write with such skilled literacy that I needed to look twice to decipher the meaning.


We soldiered on, walking on the cheap ruined MFI furniture boards and frequently having to crawl through the hole system.


‘Clytemnestra’ is Greek mythology, not some venereal disease such as 'Chlamydia' which immediately came into my thoughts. A personal manuscript about 'The Clap' would have proved infinitely more interesting to read.


It's that bloke with the sore balls again, and he appears to be quite rich which makes a change from the usual sorry state of bank statements I see.

I took his details off, as the account could still be current. I'm all heart as you can see. Don't leave your personal shit lying around James as you never know who could be seeing it, and by the way someone pissed on your bank statement.


Now look at that, an open door…, a genuinely rare sight.


What crap graffiti; is there no artistic talent in Manchester?


This section of ‘Empress Mill’ must have been the ‘leaking roofs’ part as it was a lot more drenched than anywhere else.


Don’t touch the walls, you might catch something.


Just like the other side, you wouldn't want to live downstairs where everyone can see your nudity from the upper public gallery. The upper flats must have cost a premium.


If it’s renovated again, they need to do a better job; this area was pungent to the extreme.


Careful of the slop at the bottom, it’s easy to slip and that is beyond rational thought.


Another student, I can't think who else would write something like this.


A sofa stands vertically against the wall. There has to be a reason, and all that springs to mind is the practice of sleeping while standing.

'Empress Mill' contained some fucking weirdos, that's a better reason.


We exited tentatively via the extremely wrecked door and jumped off from the far side.


'Empress Mill' has recently been snapped up again by property developers and the last time we drove past it now looks secure again..., for the moment.


That 'hole' system was positively ingenious, I hope they keep it.


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