The old tobacco warehouse - Declined Rewards/Don't Upvote

I hope you will forgive posts like this one here. Posts that present completely abandoned and neglected places.
But everything I publish here is for one purpose only - to be shown, documented and preserved. Because some of these buildings no longer exist. And there is always the possibility that such a building will disappear unexpectedly - today it is here and not tomorrow. And just as people are used to it and walk past it every day without paying attention to it, so one day they may wake up to see that it is no more, and only then will they say to themselves - Oh, why haven't I photographed this building for so many years? Now that it's gone, I won't be able to photograph it anyway. And it has disappeared forever.
As I suppose it will happen to the building I'm showing you here, too.


Although it is a cultural monument.


But how many crumbling cultural monuments I have already shown you?


Some would say that this is the natural course of life - something old is destroyed to be replaced by something new. In addition, some people would be really happy for this building to disappear, as there are constant reports that it is dangerous for pedestrians passing by.


Yes, the building is really dangerous, but it is currently privately owned and no one cares about it - especially its owner, most likely waiting for it to be demolished, as is the case with many such cultural monuments in Bulgaria.


That was probably the main entrance with an already relatively modern door that was put in place during its more recent function.


The building was once a tobacco warehouse. One of the tobacco warehouses in the city, the industry of which the city was famous for in the past - the city of Haskovo.


Exactly when it was built - whether it was in the late 19th century or early 20th century, I can not say for sure.


(This ad above, whatever it used to mean before, stands now extremely ironic on this crumbling wall.)


These are some side entrances, as far as I can see.



So, I don't know when exactly it was built, but you can see that this is a gorgeous brick building with a still beautiful design, which was again built extremely well.




In the 1980s, when it ceased to be a tobacco warehouse, it was transformed into a "modern" department store. "Modern" for its time, of course, and I guess this is again a communist time, when this term was quite relative.
And as I told you above, I think that door to the main entrance dates back to that time - a typical department store door from that time.



I really wanted to go inside and see what the interior looked like, but I didn't dare do it. I only peeked through one of the side doors, and of course I saw nothing:


I did not dare to enter because the building really looks dangerous even from the outside.


Here is such a really dangerous part of it - something like an underpass that leads to the back of the building and to the parking lot.


One really has the feeling here that something will fall on one's head at any moment.


This is another side facing the street, just after the entrance to the parking lot.


But despite the miserable condition and the danger lurking there, I am happy to have been there,


to be able to touch again the grandeur of the past locked in this crumbling building, to enjoy and remember it for myself.


Because one day it will just disappear.

Copyright: @soulsdetour

Hive.jpgSoul's Detour is a project started by me years ago when I had a blog about historical and not so popular tourist destinations in Eastern Belgium, West Germany and Luxembourg. Nowadays, this blog no longer exists, but I'm still here - passionate about architecture, art and mysteries and eager to share my discoveries and point of view with you.
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