Iniciativa: Mis sentimientos ante la comida y el peso 🍔🍕🍩🍟 (Esp-Eng)

Hola mis apreciados lectores. Feliz y bendecida noche. Nuevamente publicando por esta comunidad donde las iniciativas cada día son interesantes y maravillosas. Este tema sobre la comida y el peso en relación a mis sentimientos está genial. Por lo tanto me hago participe de esta iniciativa propuesta por la amiga @purpleglitter.
Hello my dear readers. Happy and blessed evening. Again posting by this community where initiatives every day are interesting and wonderful. This topic about food and weight in relation to my feelings is great. Therefore I am participating in this initiative proposed by my friend @purpleglitter.


En relación a este tema tengo mucho que contar. Mis emociones dependen mucho de la comida y por ende esto repercute en mi peso. He pasado por muchas etapas en relación a mi peso. Recuerdo que cuando era muy joven me cuidaba muchísimo siempre pendiente de comer saludable y hacia mucho ejercicio para mantenerme en forma, mi peso lo mantenia en 60 kilogramos o menos de allí no pasaba. Hasta ese momento todo iba muy bien.
I have a lot to say on this subject. My emotions depend a lot on food and therefore this has repercussions on my weight. I have gone through many stages in relation to my weight. I remember when I was very young I took care of myself a lot, I always ate healthy and exercised a lot to keep in shape, I kept my weight at 60 kilograms or less. Until that moment everything was going very well.

Luego viene la etapa donde salgo embarazada y tuve un des balance hormonal muy grande. Aumente veinticuatro kilos con el embarazo llegando a pesar para el momento de dar a luz ochenta y cuatro kilos. Wuaooooo fue terrible. Mi cuerpo se puso voluminoso. Me costaba mantener buenos hábitos alimenticios. Fue terrible y sufrí mucho, quería volver a mi peso de 60 kilos o menos. Para mi era el peso perfecto.
Then came the stage where I got pregnant and I had a very big hormonal imbalance. I gained twenty-four kilos during the pregnancy and by the time I gave birth I weighed eighty-four kilos. Wuaooooo it was terrible. My body became bulky. It was hard for me to maintain good eating habits. It was terrible and I suffered a lot, I wanted to get back to my weight of 60 kilos or less. For me it was the perfect weight.

Comencé a sufrir de ansiedad y a comer exageradamente como si no me llenara. Me metía unos atracones de comida que después que comía exageradamente me arrepentía. Vivía siempre con hambre, esos estados ansiosos no me dejaban tranquila. Comencé a sentirme muy mal fatigada, cansada, sin ánimos de nada, hasta que decidi ir a un endocrinólogo a que me evaluara. Y quería saber que pasaba en mi organismo. Inmediatamente me palpo la tiroides y me la sintió agrandada. Ordenó hacerme: exámenes de perfil tiroideo, anticuerpos antitiroideo y un eco tiroideo. Los resultados fueron los que el medico sospechaba.
I began to suffer from anxiety and to eat exaggeratedly as if I was not full. I would binge on food and after I ate too much I would regret it. I was always hungry, those anxious states did not leave me calm. I began to feel very bad, fatigued, tired, with no desire for anything, until I decided to go to an endocrinologist to be evaluated. I wanted to know what was going on in my body. He immediately palpated my thyroid and felt it was enlarged. He ordered: thyroid profile tests, antithyroid antibodies and a thyroid echo. The results were what the doctor suspected.


Estaba en presencia de un hipertiroidismo. Por eso mi nerviosismo y estados de ansiedad. Y me refugiaba en la comida. Dándome tremendos atracones de comida. La tensión se me elevó y comencé a sufrir de arritmia cardíaca. El hipertiroidismo que presento es el Graves y es inmunológico. Enseguida el médico al revisar los exámenes el eco tiroideo arrojo un bocio nodular, la TSH muy baja y los anticuerpos antitiroideos altísimos.
I was in the presence of hyperthyroidism. Hence my nervousness and states of anxiety. And I took refuge in food. Giving me tremendous food binges. My blood pressure was elevated and I began to suffer from cardiac arrhythmia. The hyperthyroidism that I present is severe and it is immunological. Immediately after the doctor reviewed the tests, the thyroid echo showed a nodular goiter, the TSH was very low and the antithyroid antibodies were very high.


Comencé tratamiento con el medicamento Tapazol y poco a poco fui mejorando. Empecé a comer sano nuevamente y rebaje. Cambie mis hábitos alimenticios y mi estilo de vida nuevamente. El cambio fue muy notable. Ya esos atracones de comidas habían desaparecido. Conocí y aprendí terapias alternativas como el reiki, el yoga, la relajación y respiración profunda.
I was in the presence of hyperthyroidism. Hence my nervousness and states of anxiety. And I took refuge in food. Giving me tremendous food binges. My blood pressure was elevated and I began to suffer from cardiac arrhythmia. The hyperthyroidism that I present is severe and it is immunological. Immediately after the doctor reviewed the tests, the thyroid echo showed a nodular goiter, the TSH was very low and the antithyroid antibodies were very high.

Para el año 2012 comienzo a sentir nuevamente cambios en mi cuerpo como arritmia cardíaca, pérdida de peso exageradamente, hasta llegar a pesar menos de 60 kilos y sino le ponía freno a esta situación iba a desaparecer. el insomnio, la ansiedad, los atracones comenzaron aparecer, el bocio creció exageradamente y mis ojos se pusieron saltones y adoloridos estuve en presencia de una exoftalmia. Enseguida acudí al endocrino, estaba aterrada porque la pérdida de peso era muy evidente en menos de un mes quedé flaca demasiado flaca. A pesar que comía demás. Los síntomas del hipertiroidismo volvieron aparecer esta vez mas severos. Enseguida comencé tratamiento nuevamente. Recuperé el peso poco a poco. Y logré volver a mi peso, el bocio bajo considerablemente, la arritmia cardíaca fue tratada nuevamente. Volví apoyarme en mi herramientas auxiliares como yoga, meditación, respiración profunda, etc.
By the year 2012 I began to feel changes in my body again as cardiac arrhythmia, exaggerated weight loss, until I weighed less than 60 kilos and if I did not put a stop to this situation I would disappear. insomnia, anxiety, binge eating began to appear, the goiter grew exaggeratedly and my eyes became bulging and sore, I was in the presence of an exophthalmia. I immediately went to the endocrinologist, I was terrified because the weight loss was very evident and in less than a month I was too skinny. Even though I was eating too much. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism appeared again, this time more severe. I immediately started treatment again. I regained my weight little by little. And I managed to get back to my weight, the goiter went down considerably, the cardiac arrhythmia was treated again. I was again supported by my auxiliary tools such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc.


En la pandemia comencé a ganar peso, hubo muchos puntos negativos tales como: el sedentarismo,las emociones como la ansiedad, el miedo, hicieron que me acobardara, ya que vivia encerrada por miedo a contagiarme, precisamente por la patología que padezco. Gracias a Dios nunca fui contagiada. Empecé a caminar media hora diaria por la urbanización donde vivo y a comen mas sano. Logre bajar unos cinco kilos, poco a poco, me faltaban diez por bajar. Y me entero de un reto que una comunidad @reto-morphosis proponía para lograr bajar de peso y tener una vida más saludable, el amigo @edmundochauran me invitó a participar. No dude en inscribirme y fueron tres meses el reto, me encanto porque logre bajar los diez kilos. Esa era mi meta. Lo logre porque cambie mis hábitos alimenticios, planifique una rutina de ejercicios, y me sentía comprometida conmigo misma y por tener una mejor vida saludable. Feliz de haber participado en ese reto. Muy enriquecedor.
During the pandemic I began to gain weight, there were many negative points such as: sedentary lifestyle, emotions such as anxiety, fear, which caused me to become cowardly, since I lived locked up for fear of becoming infected, precisely because of the pathology I suffer from. Thank God I was never infected. I started to walk half an hour a day in the urbanization where I live and to eat healthier. I managed to lose about five kilos, little by little, I still had ten kilos to lose. And I found out about a challenge that a community @reto-morphosis was proposing to lose weight and have a healthier life, my friend @edmundochauran invited me to participate. I did not hesitate to sign up and the challenge lasted three months, I loved it because I managed to lose ten kilos. That was my goal. I achieved it because I changed my eating habits, I planned an exercise routine, and I felt committed to myself and to have a better healthy life. I was happy to have participated in this challenge. Very enriching.


Actualmente me cuido trato de no comer muchas harinas, azucares, grasas, como lo mas sano posible, ya que estoy en la edad adulta y he tomado conciencia que debo cuidarme.

Currently I try not to eat a lot of flour, sugars, fats, I eat as healthy as possible, since I am in adulthood and I have become aware that I have to take care of myself.


Feliz de haber participado en esta iniciativa, aprovecho para invitar a @lecumberre.

Happy to have participated in this initiative, I take this opportunity to invite @lecumberre

Contenido 100% original.Fotografías son de mi propiedad. Gif de Peakd. Traductor utilizado Deepl.

100% original content. Photographs are my property. Gif by Peakd. Translator used Deepl.


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