Depression is not a silly matter

Ups and downs are part of life. Sometimes we are happy, and sometimes we are not. Some of those moments can be stressful, and some can be joyful, depending on the situation. It's life, and we all need to go through the same situation; it doesn't matter whether we want it or not. Maybe because of that, it says that "Life is not a bed of roses," and there is nothing to deny.

Good moments are indeed good, and there is nothing to worry about, and good times run fast, but when it comes to bad times, the situation becomes almost the opposite. Stress and mental pressure come automatically at such a time, and overall it can be said as depression. Becoming depressed is not a problem if we can overcome it, and we may have our own ways to overcome it. Unfortunately, everyone is not the same, and it's not possible to overcome such a stage.

There are several stages of depression, and reaching those stages overnight is almost impossible. So, depression is such a disease that engulfs us little by little and can be started for silly reasons. The mental strength of everyone is different, and that is the reason some people can overcome depression and some can't.

In the past time, people used to go outside and spend enough time in nature and talking with others. They can trust others and can speak about their own problems easily, and that helps them to remain stress-free, and in such a case they could get the suggestions of others, and at that time depression was not a big deal for anyone.

Now the situation has changed, and most of us are busy without smartphones and computers. I interact with nature for a little time only, and interaction with other people also reduced a lot compared to the past time. Being surrounded by technological devices creates stress, and as we interact with others less, and so we don't share our worries with others because we can't trust others easily like oldies used to do. So depression became a serious issue in the modern era.

Although it's a serious disease in the modern era, very few people are serious about it. People are not comfortable sharing their problems with others, and it allows depression to increase with time. Surprising matters is that most of people still think depression is a very silly thing, and some even don't think depression is a disease. Maybe that's the reason the suicidal attempt is increasing day by day, and it's a matter of concern already.

In my country, the situation in such a case is worse. Suppose you are facing problems with depression and you meet with a psychologist doctor for the issue. If people know about it, people start to criticize the person indirectly, saying s/he is mad or mental and so many things. The criticism about it is such kind of thing that can create mental pressure on a mentally healthy person also, and when it comes to a depressed person, it can create a huge impact on their mental situation. It is very sensitive. Those people should be handled carefully, and they need a healthy environment for a positive mindset.

I think, the change of mindset of society people related to depression needs to be changed first. We need to keep it in mind that we also have mental health, and we need to take care of it also, and it's equally important as physical health. If we face depression, we may consult with a doctor about it, and we should not hesitate in such sensitive cases. The disease will increase if we don't cure it, and so we should not delay such a case.


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