Weekly DCity Progress Update - Minted 16 NFT's, Finding 80% ROI Opportunities, and the Summertooth Challenge!!

My City Overview

Weekly dCity Journal (2).jpg

Weekly Stats Update

NFT'S Minted

Citizens Cards Minted

  • Homeless - 2
  • Immigrants - 1
  • Worker - 2
  • Hard Worker - 1

Technologies Minted

  • Advanced Prayer
  • Printers Upgrade
  • Police Equipment

Training & Criminals

  • Worker - 5
  • Workers - 2
  • Artist -
  • Scientist - 1

Animation & Backgrounds

  • N/A

Random Stats I Like To Track

  • Total Cards 705
  • Basic Income 1252
  • Education 1049 (25% Discover Chance)
  • Creativity 735 (9% Discovery Chance)
  • New Citizen Chance 30%
  • Crime 3%
  • Training 222.5%
  • Unemployed
    SIM Power 1,647,342.62
    Sim On Hive-Engine 1,778,451.637

Cards Bought SIM AKA @Summertooth Challenge
Buy (Create) one new card a day!!

  • Farm
  • Wind Turbine
  • Solar Plant
  • Park
  • Wind Turbine
  • Weed Farm
  • Research Center

Other Buys Required from Summertooth Challenge

  • Wind turbine x 6

Weekly Digest - The Good, Bad and Sensltess

Oh what a week it is. Lets just say the @summertooth challenge is amazing. If you have no idea what it is, just look here at my last post. I have enjoyed getting the new cards, and while I usually feel like i have crap luck with hitting super rare cards, there are plenty of good cards I normally don't buy, but now I have them I am glad. ECO energy is is great, especially after all the tech cards improve them.

I managed to get a good number of techs minted again this week, and a ton of citizens. It will be interesting to see how the new popularity changes impact both my cities need for population and price of citizens, from homeless and immigrants to workers and other types. I expect the market to be very volatile before we get to the new normal and prices are more stable.

I have been running 1 Beer Fest a week, and I will keep doing so until I run out of BEER. I have given up on the token as a tipping as the calls quit working for me and my attempted to increase my staking reward also failed. The best use I have found for BEER is to kick off the BEERFEST and rake in a few workers and Hard Workers if I am lucky.


Sister Cities - Senstless.Rental

Total Cards 322
Education 1001 (25% Discovery)
New Citizen Chance 24%
Unemployed Perfectly Balanced

Citizens Cards Minted

  • Homeless - 3
  • Immigrants - 1

Technologies Minted

  • N/A

Thoughts and Future Plans

After the banner week last week, I had 0 Techs minted. I knew it had to cool down. Not mad, still got some bench warmers to go off and get trained to be all they can be. I will be keeping senstless.renal as a 2nd account if I can afford to. I like having two tech cities minting tech with all the tech unlocked. While it doesn't earn much for SIM, keeping it around for citizens and tech will be a long term play for me.


Sister Cites - Initech

  • Total Cards 98
  • Education 40
  • Unemployed 0 Perfectly Balanced

NFT'S Minted

Citizens Cards Minted

  • Immigrants x 3
  • Homeless x

Very Quite

Pretty good week, found 3 immigrants that got shipped over to senstlessville to get trained. We will see if initech survives the changes. Given this is just for minting new citizens to train, if I need the extra cards to fix shortfalls in Senstless I might use these account to fill the gaps. It does not have any tech or animation discovery of any size so my overall loses will be small.


New City - Senstlessmonster - ROI City Experiment 80% Projected ROI, 70% realized.

After hearing so many complain about the taxes for the past month of two in discord, I wanted to look at other ways to earn in this game. For my experiment, the city was built as follows. All citizens will be sold at "market rate" ( no dumping for bids if too low) but trying to list them where the cards are likely to sell.

City Investment 87 Cards 15,174 SIM
I went to get max 30% New Citizen discover, while having a 1% chance for Technology and Background/Animation discovery.


Citizens Minted To Date
Immigrants 4
Homeless 5

Backgrounds 1
Mountains 1

Cards Sold
Immigrants 4
Homeless 5
Backgrounds 0
Total Sim 521.539

ROI Actual and Projected


As you can see my ROI has dropped slightly. My guess is this has to do with how the citizens hit. Its only been 21 days, and as you know that 30% chance can really be hit or miss in any given week, but over time I think it will stay pretty consistent. My actual ROI dropped down to 70% this week. With the insanely stupid lucky find of of a background at such a low rate of 1%. I guess you could hope for 3 a year, but to find one so soon has pumped the projected ROI ( if sold at the lowest market rate) back to 80%. It will be interesting to see what changes will need to be done to keep it at 20% given the changes to the popularity. I will update the investment table as required if I decide to keep it going. While I love getting lots of citizens, if the changes make it better to have fewer cities, I have no issue with that. Less work, less record keeping.. all that.

Final Thoughts

What do you all think about up the up coming changes, and air drops... I think it is exciting. I think I might need to buy some more SIM to hold, but I am loving some Dieseal pools right now and all my money is tied up. I will see if I can push to the 2M mark by year end, it will be hard.


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