dCity Citizens - The President @summertooth has issued a challenge (to me). Join me for the rest of his term(s)!


All Love President @summertooth


As I am sure you are all aware, @summertooth is just starting his second consecutive term or late. While he is doing what he can to make the tax levers at his disposal keep thing interesting and fun for all... He has issued a challenge. I took this Challenge and intend to run with it for the rest of presidential term(s). If he is elected for a 3rd term, I will keep it going then as well. I stared back on the 12th, and will keep it going for at least the next 12 days.


The Challenge - Buy 1 Radom Card Each Day



Pretty simple, just spend 800 SIM a day on creating a new random card, and hope for the best. This is a nice way to reduce some of that SIM floating around and might get few buy orders coming in to pump that price and drop that tax rate!!

As you can see clearly, any blame goes directly to @summertooth and not me!!

Results So Far


I think I am doing just fine. Sure I got a park and farm, but given the pending changes for popularity, I will need them!!! I also got 2 Wind Turbines and a Solar Plant, now with the president flips that ECO tax, I will get a nice boost to my income. Like everyone, there is always a hope for hitting a home run and pulling a rare card that will give a serious boost to your city value and NFT holdings!!

What do you say, are you up for the challenge?

Let me know below if you are in!!!



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