Marquez diprediksi akan Naik Podium di Portugal

Kejutan kembali terjadi di seri MotoGP Portugal. Marc Marquez memang The Baby Alien. Lama absen hampir sembilan bulan lamanya. Tetapi saat langsung balap di sesi latihan bebas Portugal seperti tidak terjadi apa apa. Dia langsung nyetel dengan motornya

Marquez sebelumnya harus absen di Motogp sejak musim lalu akibat patah lengan kanan. Hingga gelar juarapun lari ke tangan Joan Mir. Musim inipun Marquez harus absen dari dua seri pembuka. Baru di seri Portugal ini tim dokter memberi izin membalap. Dan langsung mencatat sebagai pembalap ketiga terbaik dalam sesi latihan bebas pertama dengan catatan waktu 1 menit 42,378 detik.

Dengan kembalinya Marquez maka banyak pengamat yang mengatakan balapan di Portugal yang akan digelar besok akan bertambah seru. Marquez katanya sudah nyaman dengan gaya balap dan motornya. So kta lihat bagaimana nanti Marquez saat babak qualifikasi akan berada diurutan keberapakah dia. Kalian penggemar Marquez siap siap untuk nonton ya


The surprise occurred again in the Portuguese MotoGP series. Marc Marquez is indeed The Baby Alien. The length of absence was nearly nine months. But when immediately racing in Portugal's free training session, it seemed like nothing had happened. He immediately tuned with the motorbike

Marquez had previously been absent at MotoGP since last season due to a broken right arm. Until the title ran to Joan Mir. Even this season Marquez had to be absent from the two opening series. It was only in this Portugal series that the team of doctors gave permission to race. And immediately recorded as the third best racer in the first free practice session with a time of 1 minute 42.378 seconds.

With Marquez's return, many observers say the race in Portugal which will be held tomorrow will be even more exciting. Marquez said he was comfortable with his racing style and motorbike. So we see how Marquez will be in the qualifying round in which order he is. You Marquez fans are ready to watch

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