UFC and Dana White will not require vaccination for fighters

This is not a post about being pro or anti-vax, so save that shit for other areas of the internet - there are plenty of them.

I'm merely stating a fact that while many other sports' leagues are toying with the idea of requiring covid vaccinations for participation, Dana White came out to say that he is going in exactly the opposite direction.


White has been attacked by the media for holding sold-out events around the country in states that would allow it. He was actually the brains behind the first full on stadium even in over a year when he hosted a major UFC event in Florida after the governor made it possible for that to happen. The critics were suggesting that this would be a super-spreader event (they love that term) but as far as I know that hasn't been the case. If it could be traced back to these events they definitely would have let us know, even if they had to fudge the numbers to make it happen.

Other sold out events have been in other friendly states, mostly Texas and one event in Nevada. One part of the United States that has always been a part of the UFC circuit as far as states they tend to have their major events are concerned in is New York City, but this may quickly change as new legislation has been ordered by Governor Cuomo of New York State.


I do not know the details behind it and I don't care enough to go and look since I live ages from NYC and the few times I have been there it was expensive, dirty, and filled with hassles. However, they are apparently introducing a vaccine passport that if you do not have the vaccine (or some vaccine) you can not get into various places and one of those places is definitely going to be Madison Square Garden, where UFC events are held in NYC.

It has already been shown that Michael Chandler, who is slated to be on the main card for UFC 268, has said in an interview that he will "not be vaccinated by the proposed November date." He was very careful with his words and even said the he is not anti-vaxx, he is not an activist, and he is not trying to join a side in the debate... He merely stated that he is waiting until the vaccine is 100% FDA approved before he uses it. I suppose it depends on if you believe in the FDA or not, but in my mind this is a very reasonable stance to have.


So what is going to happen going forward? Dana White and the UFC don't necessarily NEED the fight to be in UFC, but White has been very forthcoming in stating this:

“If you want to get vaccinated, that’s up to you. That’s your choice. You’re never gonna hear me say I’m gonna force people to get vaccinated. Never gonna happen.”

So what will this mean for New York City's inclusion in this and other upcoming events? Dana White is not a very compromising person and he certainly doesn't need whatever money is going to come from having the event in MSG, so I would guess that he would simply move the event elsewhere.

Since tickets to these events are absurdly high-priced, I don't really see myself ever attending one anyway unless I win tickets in a raffle or something, so therefore I don't really care where they have them provided they are on this side of the planet so I don't have to stay up until the middle of the night.

White after being told that Governor Cuomo is threatening him (not really)

I see 3 possible scenarios here: Cuomo grants exception for the fighters provided they test negative, White changes the card so that only vaccinated fighters can participate (this one I find unlikely), or he moves the event back to Florida, Texas, or Nevada. Honestly, I think they could hold it in Omaha, Nebraska and it would still sell out.

Time will tell, but I'll be watching this closely because Dana White can be an asshole at times but one thing is for certain, he is too rich and powerful to be bullied into just about anything.

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