Premiership Last Man Standing Contest 2023 Launch.


So we are back for 2023 for the second round of Last Man Standing on Hive this year. This is a competition I have been running on Hive for a number of seasons and we had record numbers take part in September which can to a conclusion when @gone-hive defeated @gingerup in an epic final that was only rivalled by Argentina vs France this year.
So a couple of your were asking me to do another round after Christmas so why not? Now there is some fixture congestion this week so I do not want to confuse people so we will commence on the 13th January to give people time to get settled , do some research and pick a team for the 1st round. I know nothing about football you say so I cannot enter??

Rubbish I say!

@ogeewitty took part last time and got far and he knows nothing about football either (other than saying 'THIS IS ARSENAL' at the end of every sentence)

So if you would like to enter and know nothing about football then ask a friend who knows a friend who knows a friend that plays for Man United and they might help you in your selection. It is all just a bit of fun. Most of you know the rules at this stage but for the new people we will give you a step by step guide in how to take part in last man standing.

Closing date for entries is the 12th January at 12am GMT
If you are not in by then, you cannot partake in the rest of the contest as it is knockout stages from then on. The first Hive weekly post is this one so comment below on your selection.

How To Enter.


Seems pretty simple. The main rules is to pick a team that will win obviously and if you do win then you cannot select the same team again.
This is what makes LMS so interesting. So there are a few rules that we need to set out for the people who forget to enter their team every week and if a game is postponed which in this post Covid world could be very likely this year again unfortunately although they seemed to get away with it in Qatar which was nice.

2 missed weeks is the limit by the way.
We want no absent Abbeys getting to the final. Now the first week there always is a massive cull of contestants that are very interested on remaining involved. For the 1st week of the competition we will offer the contestant a chance to buy back in. Now that contestant still cannot select the same team last week so they are still at a disadvantage. We require 1 Hive as a token to buy back in. And for that I will return 1 HBI to the contestant so the 1 Hive benefits us both.



Last Man Standing 30 Hive Basic Income for the winner.
2nd - 10 HBI
3rd - 5 HBI

Fixture List for Round 1

Please see below the fixture list for the first game week which you can comment below on your choice. Choose wisely. Some contestants start with weak teams to keep the best teams for the latter stages of the competition. But this isn't always the correct strategy because they could be out first round. Have a look at the game weeks in advance so you can create a path to victory. Last Man Standing normally last 7 or 8 weeks but the last one lasted longer because some Queen died and she was a big deal apparently.

Screenshot 2022-12-28 103326.jpg

Past contestants.

So all that's left is to tag the previous contestants if they want to take part again. Apologies in advance if you are precious and this tag has burnt a massive hole in your retinas by looking at it. Just swipe right and it's gone.

@stevermac1966 @ga38jem @emeka4 @wolfgangsport @nathen007 @ablaze @b0s @cryptoandcoffee @belemo @freedom007 @diikaan @iamchuks @danokoroafor @shamzy @ogeewitty @gone-hive @cute-cactus @olawalium @belovedave @kraken99 @etiboy56 @obrisgold @talesfrmthecrypt @amirtheawesome1 @dest331 @blanchy @chrisbetcoin @temitopeomojuwa @kenechukwu97 @gingerup @nevies @deniskj @thoth442 @tengolotodo @hivefpl

If you can get the word out to your friends in your own communities to get a decent few contestants. It's a great competition to add interest to sport particularly if you are a fan of @hivefpl also. It's all a bit of fun. Best of luck.

So who is gonna knock @gone-hive off his pedestal???

Look at him there as proud as a peacock. He got those flashy trousers after winning the last Last Man Standing Competition. That's what this competition does to you. It changes your life!
If you are the King you can wear whatever the fuck you like.

If @gone-hive successfully defends his title, the Last Man Standing admin team have decided they will buy him a new rig out which promises to be more flashy as the one below. The ball is in your court now @gone-hive. Choose wisely!! :-D


So that is it. If you could share this post to spread the word out. The rewards for these posts will hopefully cover the competition prizes and the pain of updating the Last Man Standing Excel sheet for the next 7 weeks.

Thanks in advance for taking part.


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