The Three Inspiration.

For once, my thoughts were clear as crystal while deciding on what to do, though at first, the deep sigh that left my lips was questionable. However, the moment my heart beat stable, I felt like a possessed being, or should I say a pirate, who had been shown exactly where the treasure lay. And all I had to do was to go through it.

Surprisingly, I did. Like a soldier who has been sent to war. I had just had one thing in mind, and that is to bring victory to my country (myself), but not only that… also showcasing my journey on the blockchain so far.

Being on the blockchain for more than a year, I have written lots of beautiful posts that I'd love to go back to read because they speak of my journey in life, the improvement in my writing and all. They are a beauty to behold.

However, some days ago, I decided to embark on a new journey towards my activities in the blockchain, which became a determinant for the #three favorite posts chosen. My mind and heart knew this, and they both decided because the post made their heartbeat in a more rejoiceful way. Going back to read, the posts served as an inspiration toward the next step I have decided to take.

...and below are the chosen posts for #threechallenges by @livinguktaiwan and her post on it here

First Post.


The Aftermath of Adenine's Travel.

The post was written as a reply to an #Inkwell prompt on Time Travel, and to say that I was amazed by how I invented the characters is an understatement. The mystery behind how my pen moved that day is something I'd never unravel because the beauty of the aftermath of the post always brings me joy whenever I scroll through my old posts to read some of my works.

I loved the way I explained the main character's movement as she battled with vile creatures to survive. However, something happened to the main character before the post ended, and if you want to find out, you can click on the link above and enjoy.


Second Post.



A child's loss of words. Being in a situation where the only person she knew on Earth finally left her world and knowing that she was the killer is a trauma no child should pass through. However, Rebecca did. Her world shattered before her eyes because she didn't pick up the phone earlier to call 911. And, it is common knowledge that hours or minutes before a person's death should not be wasted on panic.

But we can't blame Rebecca, can we? She is just a child who lost her only hero and would be taken to the orphanage later. However, things took a good turn, or was it a bad turn? when she found herself breathless in the hospital before darkness overtook her. To get yourself right into this story, click the link above.


Third Post.

Daring To Be a Writer

I never knew I could write something as beautiful as this until I joined the #dreemport collaboration with #creativeworkhour. At first, I was sceptical about joining in because I was confused. Questions like, "What can I possibly write?" and some others filled my mind.

There was a setback until there wasn't anymore as the urge of what is to come sprang up in me like a zombie hungry for a brain. And it was then that I realized the gift I had in me. The thoughts I have had for years but haven't been able to bring to the Web3 world got itchy to be let out.

I was gobsmacked when the thought kickstarted my heart towards joining the challenge when I had no zeal to even join in. It was and still is a beautiful thought because with it, I was able to embrace my fears and face the world of serial fictional writers' world. It was a dare, which I wasn't scared to take.

And, I am glad I took it because I have found a way out. It is beautiful to know that because of this post, I was able to start writing again. I have been working on brushing up each chapter of the story, and soon, the online world will have a taste of what I have in stock.

The chosen posts serve as an inspiration to me, and I am glad I didn't just keep them in my draft. I published them, and the reply I got from them showed me that I can really do this. They are like fuel to my dim light because with them, I am able to shine bright like a diamond 💎.

If you've gotten to read this far, I am grateful for the time taken to read and explore my work. I hope to see you around again.

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Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

*Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

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