Daring To Be A Writer.


I had that same thought again. The same one I thought I had fought off my mind, but it seems not. It feels like a magnet is holding me back even when I seem to have collected a fair percentage of various tools needed towards the journey I am ready to go on.

"Can I truly do this?" The what ifs of my life. A setback, but unlike other times, I didn't pull back. I knew deeply that I have gotten to a phase in life where doing that will not be necessary. And, so, I have moved regardless, and the first step was to write this post. It is what I call the first step to a me time.

...and being able to write this post is a clear win for me. When I first started this challenge, I had multiple choices surging through my veins. "What should I go for?" A question filled with a huge sort of insanity sanity. However, there was one thought that never left my heart, and that is the start of something that isn't new to me but is to my journey on the blockchain so far. Yes, the journey of a writer.

But, not just any sort of a writer. A writer whose blade has been sharpened and still sharpened to fully move into the world she has once created. A place filled with novelty with her fingers, her magical words. I started that world years back but never had the balls to push them out. However, things are about to change because now, I have one thing I never had before, and that's help.

Yes, as simple as it may look or even normal. I never had it on the journey I once took. It was just me alone. A lovely reader who dared to be a writer. Not just the type where she wrote when she was in high school for her peers. But something more different this time around. And, here is a sneak peak of the journey that needs to be worked on.


Short Description.

Novel Title: The Rise of the Last Heir.

Bella has always been clumsy all her life. No one wanted her, and she didn't mind it a bit, not until the King's men arrived to take her to the King.

However, things took a wild turn for the petite lady on her journey. She isn't what she thought herself to be anymore when the Dragon Lord came into her life. She realized her true potential. A life more than her imagination awaits her. A battle of endless painful death, which she may cause.

Will she be able to fight the darkness in her? Or will the darkness consume her and those she loves?

Find out the journey of the Last Heir towards conquering the world and someone she fears the most.


I have written some chapters that began the story of the last heir and her battles towards knowing who she really is. It is like opening a Pandora box. I mentioned in my post here that I was once a researcher. And this time around, I am starting that job again. The Greek mythology world awaits me once more because I need to relearn lots of things to bring this world into fruition.

I am not stopping because , as I mentioned earlier, I have help, which is a very nice way to go. Though, I am still having trouble selecting days to have each chapter published on the blockchain, but I know I will get there. I know where I am heading towards, and I know it won't be easy in any way, but that doesn't mean it won't be possible because it will be.

Also, the cover image for the novel is something I have to recreate because, unlike before, I am more experienced in getting a nice image to fit in. And, I surely would have to explore a path I haven't tried before. Yes, the usage of AI to get what I want out there, and I know someone who can help with that.

Learning new words, sharpening my writing skills, and more are some of the things I am doing now. And I know critics will come, but I won't back off because I know what I want and how to get it.

So, for the #dreemport/creativeworkhour collaboration, I bring to you a sneak peak to my world starting now. And, it'd be nice to hear your feedback from what has been written so far.


Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave and more to those who chase it away.

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