Another Awesome Guitar Related Garage Sale Find

Just got back from an awesome morning of garage saling and couldn't wait to post about this find. I was walking past several boxes of books and noticed some guitar-related music books. I began rifling through the pile and found 8 guitar books! SCORE!

8 Really Good Guitar Books

As a reseller, the big scores here are the Rock Guitar Bible, The Clapton book, and the Beatles Book. The jazz book also looks interesting.

The bummer is, none of the books have the CD accompaniments. I purchased these with two sets of Three Stooges DVDs for... Drum roll please... A whopping $8.00

I'm definitely keeping the 150 Songs with Just 3 Chords. I'm trying to teach myself to read music and I've been looking for easier stuff to learn written in notation. The Clapton book will be a keeper also. I'll probably photocopy anything interesting out of the other books and then try to resell them. I can probably sell one book and get my money back, so I'm not that worried about it.

I recently found a vintage copy of Mel Bays Modern Guitar. I posted about it a few weeks ago here.

It was fun comparing the two books. I'll probably keep the vintage book just because I like vintage stuff and sell the more up-to-date book.

Same book and material, different decades.

You can really see the difference in the way they were printed when you open them up.

Vintage vs Modern format

The vintage book uses photographs for everything, while the modern one uses illustrations. It's easy to see which edition was created long before everything became computerized. I do like the page formatting better in the modern book.

Well, that was my big garage sale find of the day, at least pertaining to the guitar. I also picked up some vintage stereo equipment that I'll be writing about tomorrow.

I'm really excited about these books though. Music books can get really expensive. Finding cheap learning materials always puts a smile on my face!

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