Traveling Through Time: A Visit to the Archeological Museum of Zagreb - Part 2/3

In the previous part of my review of the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb. I have written a short intro of what you can see in the museum and posted a few pictures of the first floor which exhibits the Copper, Bronze and the Iron Age on the grounds of Southeastern Europe.
In this part, I will show you the exhibits of the second floor which was my favorite and it contains items from ancient Egipt, you can find everything from statues and figurine to sarcophagi and real mummies.

The Egyptian exhibition has the most items and things to see, you can literally spend hours there and one more feature that enhances the experience is that all items have a short story about them, some even a few pages, which contains the history of the artifact where it was found, what it was used for and the significance it had to the owner.

This is the head of an unknown pharaoh, it is a shame that the rest of the statue did not survive the test of time.


Figurines of Egyptian deities

These little things are scarabs, every time I see them I remember the scene from the original Mummy movie.
Goodbye Beni

Canopic jars used during the mummification process to store and preserve the organs.


And of course, it wouldn't be an Egyptian exhibit without a mummy, sorry that the picture is not that good because the room is darkened and also I have a potato for a camera. :P

to be continued.png

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