British Museum and the Rosetta Stone. Original Pictures and Post. Part 2

Good day to everyone on this Saturday from the Sunny State. This is Part 2 of the British Museum series. If you haven't yet checked out Part 1 for please do so on the link below.

 As you can see from the pictures above this Museum brings in a lot of crowd. In my opinion this Museum is for someone that doesn't like Museum. It has those treasures from our history that we awe just about anyone. Entering through those Greek pillars will take you to a time that isn't ours. As soon as you walk in you feel like you are in a different world and a different time. 


 Guarding the main foyer is this statue of the Lion. This Eye less Lion, give you this intense stares that reaches into your soul, making you feel uncomfortable and judged and yet you can not help but stare back at this beast which demands your full attention.


 Found under The Gallery of Ancient Egypt is this broken statue. You can tell how humungous this statue would have been at it's full state. The statue was made out of marble and was very smooth to touch. I don't know how they managed to create such a magnificent statue at those time. I really believe that they were much more sophisticated in their art.  This was to me was very immpressive.

The above picture look like it used to be part of an entrance show case to a very large building. The delicate details and the writing on the statue make me wonder what this was really meant for. One side of me is saying its got some magical powers. :)


 Amazing statue again, it fells like he was a very lover king. 


  Coming to the Greek side of the Gallery, we can find this broken statue taking an entire section. I wonder how beautiful it would've looked in its entirety. I like to just stand there and visualize this statue overlooking a beautiful garden. The blank walls don't give justice to this wonderful work of art. I wonder about all the people who saw this staute in the place that it was meant to be showcased. 


  Again in the Greek section, we can see this beautiful sculpture. I love that in the Greek age they concentrate on so much on the details of a person. You can see this from the hair to the folds on the stomach. This is beautiful statue that you can spend hours admiring. One thing that did can't me off guard is her feet. 


  I saved this for last because it touched me so much. DEATH. Its not everyday we see skeletons. This whole room is just bone and death but this one in particular touched me very much. Everything we live for this is the end outcome of everyone. All the chasing and accomplishing everything in our lives we all have one fate in common. Makes you wonder about the purpose of life. Makes me wonder about why people fight all the time, we only have a very limited time on this earth and should spread love and try to be happy and live a happy life.



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