Message to Bung Karno from Sang Kakak (Ki Hadjar Dewantara)..


Kihadjar Dewantoro is a national figure in the field of education. Through the Taman Siswa education foundation developed in the middle of colonial school hegemony, Ki Hadjar became a pioneer of indigenous educational institutions with a high sense of nationalism.

Ki Hadjar Dewantoro is a national figure in the field of education. Through the Taman Siswa education foundation developed in the middle of the colonial school hegemony, he became a pioneer of indigenous educational institutions with a high sense of nationalism. Taman Siswa School is then used as a reference school of national personality by Bung Karno.

The concept of education is so inherent "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, Ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani" is now a National Education slogan. "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tulodho" means "in front as an example or role model", "Ing Madyo Mangun Karso" means "in the midst as a pioneer or initiator", and "Tut Wuri Handayani" means "from the back of trying to give encouragement and direction". The concept became the spirit of Nasonal's education, especially in the aspect of the leadership of an educator.

As a prince of the Paku Alam Duchy of Yogyakarta, Ki Hadjar is well known in socializing and close to the community. As a national figure Ki Hadjar also close to Bung Karno. Bung Karno's proximity is implied from their greeting to each other. Ki Hadjar summoned Bung Karno with the call of "Dimas" (Javanese term: A brother's call to the sister with great care and compassion), and Bung Karno called Ki Hadjar with the call "Kangmas" (Javanese term: A brother's call to brother with full respect and affection). Ahead of the Ikada Square Giant Meeting held on 19 September 1945, when Soekarno gave a short speech to commemorate the 1st month of the proclamation of independence, Ki Hadjar told A.G. Pringgodigdo to hand the talisman from his grandfather to Bung Karno. Amulet is a souvenir that became an expression of a brother's affection to his sister.

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