[EN] Myths | serpent with seven heads "Hydra"

To the south of Venezuela specifically Ciudad Bolívar-Estado Bolívar many myths about prodigious events were related, one of them is La Hidra, a monster that lives in a rock formation called the middle stone located in the third largest river in the world the Orinoco River, this fiction has its beginnings in the year 1764 when a large number of natives who sailed on the river noticed the constant swirling of the waters around the stone, a paranormal phenomenon that they attributed as the existence of a "huge beast ".


Since the year 1900 there have been many shipwrecks of curiaras and the disappearance of fishermen and bathers mysteriously around the stone in the swirling area. The last sighting of the monster was in 1988, the year in which a crowd of bolivarenses, with lamps see at night several shadows of the supposed heads of the serpent.
There is an even more recent story, which says that a person was taking in front of the Orinoco, it should be noted that in front of him (in the distance) was the famous middle stone and he says he saw a kind of red, almost bright eyes that looked at him and they attracted it to the river, but others say that the real story is because there are 7 tunnels that flow into the Orinoco River, and the main one goes from the historic quadrangle with the greater stream of the cathedral to the river, this was used during the invasions of the Dutch pirates who came to plunder the city.

Miguel Sayegh photo
(Humboldt called it "the orinocometro", because the inhabitants of the city used it to keep track of the ups and downs of waters.)

In the twentieth century the University of the East (UDO) sent a boat to perform various studies of oceanography in the Orinoco River and the diver who submerged around the middle stone asked in the middle of an attack of fear, despair, to raise it quickly because he had seen a monster. The inhabitants said that the diver had been in shock and that it took him to a state of madness.
In addition, there is the version that the heads of the Hydra are located in 7 iconic places of the city: The central head would lie in the Piedra del Medio, while the rest would be in the Laguna Los Francos in the Eighth Star, in Laguna el Porvenir in Botanical Garden, in the Metropolitan Cathedral, in Isla Panadero, in Isla Degredo and in Casa San Isidro.
What was finally discovered with the expedition with ultrasound devices is that around the stone there are huge pits 160 meters deep in the shape of a funnel that made the story of the huge beast arise.

Miguel Sayegh photo

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