Financial Compensations For Work-Accidents | 100 Years Ago

Exactly 100 years ago the newspaper "Evening Public Ledger" from Philadelphia presented detailed informations about new Financial Compensations For Work-Accidents. Of course, their most important advice was to prevent accidents. But they where also giving a list of financial compensations for various injuries.

From today's point of view these amounts seem to be low. But keep in mind that this happened 100 years ago. Here you can read the article. The source I have added at the end of this page.

Prevention is the best compensation

Here is a brief review of the Pennsylvania Workmen's Compensation Act, in so far as it bears on in demnities paid for loss of life and limb. Bear in mind, however, that the best compensation is your own personal safety. BE CAREFUL ALWAYS. And remember, always, that Accident prevention is of greater importance than compensation. Almost every accident teaches a lesson. Almost every accident could have been avoided. Read and study the following carefully. It is of vital importance to every wage earner. We doubt if you would risk a hand, a leg, an eye, or your life for the compensation offered.

The Workmen's Compensation Act, Its Purpose:

The Workmen's Compensation Act became effective in the State of Pennsylvania on January 1, 1916, and has for its purpose a satisfactory adjustment of accident claims between employe and employer. Payments will be made for 54,500 agreements between injured workers and their employers for industrial accidents in Pennsylvania during 1916, aggregating $4,244,875.43. There were 1241 agreements approved for compensation during the year for fatal cases. The average cost for compensation in each fatal case was $2388.60. The average cost for each disability case up to January first was $23.11.

  • Death  - Reasonable expenses of last sickness and burial, maximum $100; in addition, from 15 to 60 of wages, taken at a maximum $20, minimum $10 weekly, not over 300 weeks.
  • Total disability - Fifty per cent of wages, maximum $10, minimum $5 weekly for 500 weeks, maximum amount $4000.
  • Partial disability - Fifty per cent of loss of earning power, maximum $10 weekly for not more than 300 weeks.
  • Loss or permanent disability of a hand - Fifty per cent of wages during 175 weeks.
  • Loss of an arm or leg - Fifty per cent of wages during 215 weeks.
  • Loss of a foot - Fifty per cent of wages during 150 weeks.
  • Loss of an eye - Fifty per cent of wages during 125 weeks.
  • Loss of any two or more of such members, not constituting total disability - Fifty per cent of wages during the aggregate of the periods specified for each. This compensation shall not be more than $10 a week, nor less than $5 a week.

Compensation no allowed for the first 14 days after disability begins, but employer shall furnish reasonable medical aid, not exceeding $25, and where surgical operation is necessary, not exceeding $75.

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In the USA, anything published in and before 1922 is not protected under copyright. No permission is needed to use it.

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