THE RICH KIDS' HIGH SCHOOL (Chapter 1) short fiction story.

The setting of this story is Lagos State, Nigeria.
Chapter One

On a Sunday afternoon, all the way from Abuja, they say Crown school is the best high school in Lagos state. I always wonder why? But not anymore, because a one time scholarship is giving me the chance to enroll there.
On reaching the school, in my Dad's car, I took a look at the school. Very beautiful on the outside, design and beautify with flowers. I heaved a sigh. I can't believe I'm finally going to be part of them in this school. What amazed me is that everyone gets to be in the boarding house. Not all parents can afford putting their children in a big school like this, let alone put them in the boarding house.
What can I say to this?
This should be called 'Rich Kids Crown school'.
"Suzy" I turned at my Dad's direction. "Yes daddy"
"Time for lecture". As usual, always with his serious face, he looked at me at the front mirror, and our eyes locked before I looked away. Dad began, "I always want to give my children the best. And I'm happy I sent you to one of the best schools. Now that you've finished your first senior year (SS1) education, God gave you this opportunity to continue your education here," he said. "I want you to focus on your studies and read well as usual. Don't think of playing too much," he warned and his voice hardened. "Spend most of your time reading. Are we clear? Yes sir!" I quickly replied, and looked away.
Seriously, I always wonder how Mom fell in love with Dad. Who knows if they married out of love. Everyday, he comes home with his serious face and neither me nor my elder sister dare to disobey him. My mom is just too sweet for him. "Suzy dear". Mom's sweet voice called, as she turned at my direction, smiling at me "School girl," she teased, and I blushed.
"Mom." I giggled, facing her completely. "Everything your Dad said is the truth. We're both happy for you, and we want you to face your studies and excel in your exams," she said "Of course Mom, dad always says the truth even when he takes too much sugar, and later adds honey, saying, 'you know too much of sugar is not good for the body'. I know right?" We both laughed so hard, forgetting that dad was right by my side. I know he heard me, but his serious face only let him leave only a smile...very little smile.
"Be a good girl Suzy." Mom continued, and I sent her a smile. "We don't want the principal or teachers calling to report you did something wrong. And we will make sure to check on you from time to time". Mom assured me, and turned to Dad. "Honey, let's go"
Both Mom and Dad got down from the front seats, while I stepped down from the back seat as well. I adjusted my glasses, carried my travelling bag and hung my school bag, as we walked to the gate.
On reaching the gate, the security opened the gate and let us in. My Dad walked in and we followed behind. As I stepped foot into the school, my jaw dropped. It was as if I was day dreaming at the beauty I saw. Money definitely lives here. I stood on my spot staring around. The flowers outside were nothing compared to the ones inside. Everywhere was spacious, and looked so beautiful. That was the only word that came to my mind... Beautiful!
As I looked straight, I saw a road constructed for cars to go in. I didn't know why Dad couldn't take his car in. As I stared around, I saw a road for pedestrians to walk to their destination. The same road both Mom and Dad took. "Suzy" Mom who had walked in line with Dad called when I didn't follow them. I walked behind them staring at each building. Big and painted with green and white colour which made it look more attractive and beautiful. The owner must be a good citizen of Nigeria, for using our colour.
Ten minutes later, we finally reached a small gate which was opened by another security in charge. I walked in with my parents and we were faced with a big building which looked like a hall. As we walked closer to it, I realized it was opened. I wonder why? Maybe someone was planning to use the hall for a party and decided to clean everywhere. Well, that's what my former school hall is used for. Just then, Mom and Dad walked in. I stood on my spot and raised an inquisitive brow at them. Mom smiled, making fun of me. She stretched a hand at me, telling me to come in. There was a long chair and a table separated from others, which were six single chairs and a round table between. Two minutes after waiting in the hall, a plumpy short woman, who should be in her late forties walked towards us.
"Mr. and Mrs. James!" She greeted my parents with a smile, taking her seat across us. "Afternoon Mrs. Benny" Dad and Mom greeted as they shook hands with her. "Suzy, meet your house mistress" Dad said to me. Mrs. Benny turned to me and smiled. "Suzy right?" "Yes ma" I was already flashing my teeth at the excitement of being in a rich school. She hugged me tightly to her body, and I could feel she was happy to see me. "Oh well done my daughter. That is why I always tell my girls here to read too. To excel in any exam. Congratulations dear!" She shook hands with me. I'm sure I can't escape this. I already have a nice lecturer like Dad. I just don't know yet. I couldn't hold back my smile. She was friendly and courteous, smiling along with everything she says. I could see Mom smiling, and Dad looked happy. They seemed proud of me.
Mrs. Benny got to her feet and told Dad to wait behind, because he can't be allow in the girls hostel.
My Mom collected my travelling bag and followed me. It took us about two minutes to reach another small gate, opened by a female security who let us in. She greeted as we followed Mrs. Benny inside the hostel.
Three buildings stood at my front, with letters boldly written on it. BLOCK A, BLOCK B, and BLOCK C. The buildings were painted green and was big. I could see a playing field, and at the corner stood three taps, which I guess it's where they get themselves water.
"Suzy" Mrs. Benny brought me back from my thoughts, smiling as usual. "You will be staying in BLOCK A," she said, as the three of us climbed two stairs to BLOCK A corridor. Everywhere was neat and tidy up. Down the corridor, were flowers beautifying each corridor. Mrs. Benny looked up as we passed each room. Something seemed to get her attention "Yes" she stopped walking. "This is your room Suzy."
I raised my head up to check the room number. "Room 6" I said. Mrs. Benny nodded. "Yes dear, this is your room".
Mom, Mrs. Benny and I stepped in. Slowly, I walked behind them, and glance around the spacious room. Three beds at each side. I couldn't believe six students are to stay in this room, where ten to twelve students stay in a room in my former school's hostel. We use bunks in my former hostel, but here you have your own bed and separate corner. You have no one to share that with you. Wow! Making sense. Two girls laughed at what they were discussing in a corner, they stared at me and eyed me as they continued talking. At the other side sat a girl in glasses, reading. Yes ooo.. I have a nerd like me. Serious bae, i thought.
They greeted Mrs. Benny with a curt nod as if they couldn't talk at all. she acted resilient, but my Mom and I exchange a look, before Mrs. Benny's voice called out my attention. "This is your corner dear," she said. "Some girls had gone out to school, so you would meet your room mates and side partner soon. I will leave you two for now," she said. "Thank you ma" I quickly said and Mom showed her appreciation before Mrs. Benny left.
Mom brought out my things and began to arrange them. The two girls stopped talking, staring at my things. God knows why? Once Mom and I were done, we went back to the hall where Dad was waiting. He stood up immediately he saw us and walked up to us.
They both walked to the gate we came in earlier. Dad with his serious face warned me again, while Mom kissed, hugged, and didn't want to leave me. I was going to miss her too, but Dad stopped her. "We should get going" he told Mom as they walked out of the gate. I waved at them, and went back inside. I collapsed on my bed as I closed my eyes to relax. My body needs it. Finally made it to Lagos for the first time.
• • •
Few minutes later, someone suddenly landed on me.
I jumped up. "Wha-"
"Jesus!" She exclaimed stopping me. "I'm sorry, please I'm really really sorry," she pleaded, looking innocent.
The look she gave me was amusing, and I couldn't help but smile.

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Chapter two will be posted this weekend.
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