Why everyone on planet Earth should consider a HEAVY METAL DETOX & HOW TO do it!

(Dtube was having the usual issues, so YouTube it was...)

A brief intro on heavy metals and why you might want to seriously consider a heavy metal detox. Let me know if you have any comments or questions. :)

Here's more detail about the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie I mention. Remember, you don't need to start with the full dose of each supplement. In fact, if you suspect you have high heavy metal toxicity or are frequently feeling unwell, I would start with a quarter of what's suggested and slowly work your way up (over months) http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox-smoothie

Here's more info about heavy metals and why you might want to do a heavy metal detox. http://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/heavy-metal-detox

My name is Melina. I'm an Intuitive Healer who's been on her own profoundly challenging and intensive healing journey the last 2 1/2 years. Prior to this time, I was already very focused on holistic nutrition and natural healing modalities. But things shifted drastically after my communion with Mother Ayahuasca in the summer of 2015. I've since learned invaluable lessons about myself, as well as the nature of the reality on Spaceship Earth. Though what I went through was total and complete hell for quite a while, I knew I was going through it not only to heal my (and my family's) wounds, but also to eventually help support others in their healing process. Through working with my Shamanic Healer, a Somatic Experiencing Therapist, my Intuitive Health Practitioner, and many other healers, I have compiled quite the tool chest. My most recent discovery was the Medical Medium. Much of the diet related suggestions I give come directly from him - as he has helped restore my physical health. Other than authoring Steemit articles, I'm an artist, an advocate for personal sovereignty, and wife of the amazing Chuck Williams (Dash Digital Cash UI/UX Tech Lead). As I continue to heal from chronic illness, I'm working more and more at being an Intuitive Self-Development Adviser (a label I hope is descriptive and clear about the gifts I offer in supporting others). Blessings on your healing journey. <3

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