Have you ever wondered why a walk by a quite serene environment or a visit to the beach/stream can actually calm you down when angry or depressed? Yes, that is the therapeutic effect of Nature. This is called ECO-THERAPY.
Study has shown that a person who lives close to nature or wooded area were less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety. Also, those who enjoy hiking or camping trips had lower heart rate and blood pressure. Further studies have also shown that there is marked improvement in the immune system and general body functions.

The benefits of nature cannot be overemphasized but I will mention a few.

  1. Absorption of vitamin D from sunlight and whose deficiency has been linked to cancers and mental health issues.
  2. Physical fitness - Most outdoor activities / experience include some form of exercise e.g, hiking, swimming, hunting, jogging etc
  3. Fresh air -Breathing in fresh air after being cooped up in the office or home where most times the air is contaminated can do us a whole lot of good.
    The question now is, Ecotherapy the best way to get the benefits of nature?
    YES. There are so many factors that contribute positively to the benefits of nature and we can never fully understand why nature has such influence on our psychological and physiological well-being.
    So by taking a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood/ village or walking to that mini mart close to you instead of driving can do your health a lot of good. Don't forget gardening or simply watering the plants early in the morning. Whatever works for you, find a way to spend some time outdoors each day with your family, friends and loved ones.
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