Flowers Water Spinach and danger of water Spinach (kangkung)

Dear all steemian friends

This time I want in review about the beautiful water Spinach and danger of water Spinach for healthy.
Take a look at the images of the beauty of flowers water Spinach below.





Who is not familiar with the leaves of water Spinach , everyone is sure to know the leaves on this one, because this brings when on serve with food, and the process of processing is also easy as well as many benefits for health. But did you know that water spinach is also harmful to health if we are wrong in of processing.

Siapa yang tak kenal dengan daun kangkung, semua orang pasti mengenal daun satu ini, karena nikmatnya ketika di hidangkan dengan makanan, dan proses pengolahannya juga yang mudah serta banyak mengandung manfaat bagi kesehatan. Namaun taukah anda bahwa kangkung juga berbahaya bagi kesehatan apabila kita salah dalam pengolahannya.



The first to consume water Spinach in excess can cause drowsiness and less concentrated, could cause increased uric acid disease, can cause diarrhea in a less clean when washed and cooked in less than 20 minutes, and can be high cholesterol increases when the oil used to cook the sprouts have been used many times.

Yang pertama mengkonsumsi kangkung secara berlebihan bisa menyebabkan ngantuk dan kurang berkonsentrasi, bisa menyebabkan meningkatnya penyakit asam urat, bisa menyebabkan diare apabila kurang bersih ketika dicuci dan dimasak kurang dari 20 menit, serta bisa meningkatkan kolesterol yang tinggi apabila minyak yang dipakai untuk memasak kangkung telah dipakai berkali-kali.


That's some danger for health if any sprouts in consumption. All this may be useful for friends steemian.

Itulah beberapa bahaya kangkung bagi kesehatan apabila salah dalam mengkonsumsinya. Sekian semoga bermanfaat bagi kawan-kawan steemian.

Location : ACEH

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