It's not just medications: A third of U.S. adults take medications that can cause depression, study finds

Feeling depressed? Blame the pharmaceutical industry. This study says many common pharmaceutical drugs increase the risk of depression and taking multiple ones increase the chances even more.

More than a third of adults in the United States may be taking prescription medications that have depression or suicidal thoughts as possible side effects, according to a study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

The study also found that people who take these medications are more likely to be depressed than those not taking them — and the risk increases with each additional drug they’re prescribed.

The finding is troubling, particularly given that drugs with either depression or suicidal thoughts as potential side effects are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States. They include birth control pills, proton pump inhibitors to treat acid reflux, beta blockers for high blood pressure, anticonvulsants, corticosteroids and painkillers (including ibuprofen).

This study looked at over 200 drugs that increase the risk of depression which includes common drugs like birth control and ibuprofen.

Americans are Taking Too Much Medication

From children to seniors, every American age group is at risk for being diagnosed with a condition they may not actually have, and being prescribed medications they do not need.

Americans live in a very a very litigious environment

Attorneys advertise for clients who may have had a missed diagnosis or experienced a side effect from a prescribed medication, and physicians are caught within their desire to individualize care for their patients and the need to follow published standards of care to protect their practices and licenses.

Almost half of all adult Americans take a prescription drug. It's estimated that the pharmaceutical industry makes over 80 billion dollars off the American public each year.

Major depression, anxiety levels on the rise in United States

Feeling a bit depressed or in a state of high anxiety? Do you have the feeling that you are not alone when it comes to being racked by such feelings? You may be on to something.

According to a newly released report from Blue Cross Blue Shield of America, major depression is on the rise among Americans. Meanwhile, a separate report from the American Psychiatric Association reveals that most Americans experienced increased anxiety levels during the past year.

How many of these depressed people are taking other pharmaceuticals? My guess would be the fast majority of them take other pharmaceutical drugs.

While it doesn't help that these drugs increase depression there are ways to fight depression without taking pharmaceuticals drugs. One link to depression is low vitamin D levels in the body.

The Link Between Vitamin D and Depression

It’s estimated that 350 million people have depression and one billion people are deficient in vitamin D worldwide. (1, 2)

Many scientists, doctors, and researchers think that the occurrence of these two epidemics is not a coincidence and that there’s a direct link between vitamin D and depression. (3)

First let’s take a look at the many ways vitamin D supports brain health and function and how it works to mitigate depression.

I'm not surprised that all these drugs have depression of one of there side effects. Most drugs have a list of side effects about 10 pages long and when you see these drug advertisements on TV half the ad is warning people out the possible side effects.

What I was surprised about is seeing birth control and ibuprofen on the list of increasing side effects. It makes me wonder if big pharma can manufacture anything that is free of side effects. Probably not because I don't think they are in the business of curing disease but rather in business of making more money off sicker and sicker people.

My advice to people with depression or any other disease is to look into natural ways to cure yourself like increasing your intake of vitamin D before you turn to pharmaceuticals and if you're on pharmaceuticals look in the side effects or the possibility of getting off the drugs.

There's a reason why the healthiest Americans take the least amount of drugs.


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