The Big Pharma Playbook

After having a recent discussion with some people about vaccinations and having it turn into the all-too-familiar insult slinging shit show, I thought I would do this piece. The name "Pharma Playbook" popped into my head. Maybe there's already a book out there with that title, if not I think I'm onto something.

People continue in droves to cling stubbornly to modern science. There are several pillars that only the truly brave will dive into because you are essentially guaranteeing a slug fest with some very close minded and often times vicious people. There's just no getting around it.

Vaccinations, naturally is one of those topics. The default response upon questioning vaccines in any way, shape or form is that you are a child-murdering rapist that should kill him or herself now. Its usually only a matter of minutes before this response is initiated but it is inevitable.

Its a catch 22 and its also a classic pharmaceutical sales pitch. Its a go-to in the Pharma Playbook!

The medical cartels and the lackies which abound (along with many, many great and genuine people) are in an intriguing situation which the sales and PR firms have dialed in and made into a very well oiled machine.

The strategy is simple and nefarious. Because the medical establishment has usurped control of the financial markets in terms of healthcare they are able to wield the mission of pubic health as a valuable sales tool. In the case of vaccinations the kneejerk response is built off a noble effort to rid the world of some horrible diseases. This puts the critic in a tight spot. You are automatically an enemy of humanity for even questioning this noble cause. I'm not here to talk strictly about vaccines, they just happen to be one of the unquestionable and unimpeachable scientific dogmas.

When something becomes impossible to debate in public its always worth it to take a look at the financial incentives of which there are MANY in the case of the pharmaecuitical industry.

One of the most depressing times of my life when I was researching the medical industry and uncovered just how much money they actually have and the stranglehold on every aspect of the industry. But like many things in life, you have to see the big lie and unmask it to grow. I found myself in a tough spot though. Here I was, helping people with their health as a health coach, nutrition coach and strength and conditioning coach. And I was learning that our high-lords in the medical industry were not only doing some pretty shady stuff but they were making a killing doing it, all while monopolizing the system so that only their neophytes are heard.

I mean, learning about the U.S. healthcare industry in an open minded way is sort of like someone knocking on your front door only to tell you simply that everything you learned in school was a total lie, people lied to you on purpose to protect their financial interests and your education was never the purpose anyway, it was just a lie to get you programmed.

Then having the man tip his hat and leave you at the door in shock.

There are several pillars in the medical industry that serve the purpose of creating customers in a classic sales-funnel type of advertising operation. They continually open new markets in many clever ways:

  1. Inflation / deflation of blood markers to increase market size. By continually lowering the acceptable markers of cholesterol an artificial market is created. Many people who were "healthy" the day before now have "high cholesterol" and this has happened in particular with cholesterol on several occasions, causing massive spikes in the dangerous statin class drugs

  2. Making up diseases like ADD/ADHD so that they can then medicate the condition. Disease management and creation is possibly the most lucrative tactic because the symptoms vary so widely across the health spectrum that the smallest deviation from one disease to another, often times resulting in misdiagnosis, can be relabeled and a new drug can be made. The psychiatric industry shatters expectations in this regard, creating new mental disorders at a clip then applying petroleum based pharmaceuticals in a never ending slew of drugs, therapy and even surgeries. The DSM is the manual that determines mental disorders and has grown ten times in length from 50 to over 450 in the past several decades. New drug, treatment or customer (often times for life).

  3. Controlling the content of medical education and journals with an iron fist. A system built around drugs and surgery doesn't do well when nutritionally trained specialists who don't require the use of drugs are running around. So ample funding is funneled through the drug industry in the top journals and medical schools, which are then paraded around as the cutting edge technology. Since the influx of allopathic medicine in the 1800's the learning curve for the disaster currently unfolding is lethargically slow. When drugs came on the scene penicillin and the American public was slowly indoctrinated that drugs and plastic based treatments would be the end all to a Eutopia. We wouldn't have to take our health into our own hands, instead a group of megacorporations would create drugs and cures that would just magically make us feel better. Though this has been nothing short of a bankrupting catastrophe for the entire country resulting in the slow poisoning and apparent dumbing down of the American for profit, the same companies have steadfastly assured the public through rigorous propaganda that they have this under control under the guise of caring about public health. There was a concerted medical hijacking of schools and education in the early 1900's from the wealthiest families on earth such as the Rockefeller Foundation which may be the most evil entity that ever graced the planet and singlehandedly put the American healthcare system centuries into the past (in terms of results, not technology which they profited immensely on as well). This well oiled machine runs automatically as people with unpopular opinions, otherwise known as science, don't get the same funding or treatment and are often times censored (or worse).

  4. Fear mongering: the cement that holds it all together. This mindset is so embedded into the American psyche that often times it results in a very poor mental attitude and feelings of victimhood. The poor victim is then shuttled into the drug centers where he is cut or drugged into submission, often times creating many more lucrative side-options for financial incentives as the harmful pharmaceuticals can cause any number of effects and tend to get worse when their are used in combination. This sets up nicely for a late life barrage of medical problems which have been building up for decades. A very large proportion of spending on healthcare happens in the last days or weeks of life as the vampiric system literally sucks the patient dry with the most expensive forms of treatment (dialysis / iron lungs / life support).

Great myths are woven throughout this system which promote the feelings of fear and helplessness. Diagrams and cartoons are drawn for students showing serotonin levels that cannot be actually measured (same with dopamine) yet are labeled as "off balance" without any sort of evidence based way to measure. Come to think of it, lots of what we learn in school is really just cartoons and drawings and has no substance in the real world. Think of all the drawings of cells and cellular structures shown to us in school that are in fact just simplistic representations of things that our science is hopelessly behind in terms of understanding. Its estimated that 5 billion actions happen in an average cell each second and there are 100 trillion cells so the thought of understanding this on any really deep level is laughable at the current time.

After the cartoon conditioning is set in place we are groomed to believe that our genetics has a large control over our lives and that many sickness run "in our genes". Yet, in the fringe science of epigenetics we already know that genes operate on a switch / binary basis and so our thoughts, environment, food, water and everything else has a huge effect on those genes.

Currently, as would be expected in this debacle, the money isn't going to epigenetics at the programming centers (I mean Ivy League Schools) because there is no profit margin for people making healthy daily choices. They instead need to believe that most of their health is out of their control, they are defective and sick and need medication and the kind-hearted psychopaths that head the pharmaceutical empire are standing by with the cure. Only it will be a cure that will never actually cure you but will slowly make you sicker, and it will be a repeat customer cure hopefully for the rest of your life. And anyone that doesn't agree is a "pseduoscientist" which leads us to the next pillar.

  1. Mass brainwashing and social programming. If the fear mongering is the glue, the programming is the prison cells being built all around us. People are programmed and instructed to trust authority, hopefully completely blindly. Independent research is not acceptable because you are not an "expert" (but this person who excelled at regurgitating opinions at a school that was funded by the people who made those opinions and make tons of money off those opinions) and are mentally inferior to someone that went to say, Yale or Oxford.

The healthcare industry, when I took a fine toothed comb and shook out the cob webs after my programming, is so far from what we could consider ideal that it could only be considered a complete and utter failure ready to be scrapped. What really makes it tough for us collectively is there are so many well-meaning people in the main system that have every right to feel arrogant and every right to be mad at people like me that call their entire industry a sham. So we end up with polarized opinions and healthy servings of dogma. Everything is polarized. If you're out of the system you are "alternative" which is a subtle label that cleverly makes you out to be second fiddle, while if you went to drug sales school you are "primary care". If you question vaccines we already see what happens, and if you promote nutrition as a cure you can be jailed because we live in an insane asylum known as U.S. healthcare. Doctors are trained to be arrogant assholes. They are not all this way, most probably aren't but they aren't put through this grueling and competitive schooling program for nothing. They are groomed to present themselves as unquestioning authorities, and they are. Just on drugs, not anything natural that actually helps people and society as a whole.

I say often times that this is an insane asylum and I mean that one hundred percent in America, where somehow we can't collectively grasp the simple fact that what we eat and drink is singelehandedly, without a shadow of a doubt, the most important factor in our health. The people that are supposed to be the professionals at health don't know a whole lot about nutrition. These two ideas are insoluble and create a massive social divide where the nutritionists and those that work with nature are viewed as quacks and the people trying to solve everything with drugs and risky surgeries are "the experts".

Much of the medical historical literature is either hidden from public view or outright lied about. The end result of this covering up of research is pure evil. People like Raymond Rife, pioneering cheap and effective cures for all types of information, is simply omitted from the history books. 16 out of 16 cancer patients were cured by Dr. Rife with his oscillating waveform emitter, which he invented himself. The studies could not be replicated do to chicanery and selfish fraud by other doctors who had their entire careers threatened by this vibrational healer. Instead of doing what is best for humanity, and certainly nobody does this all the time, this industry has the unfortunate track record of all of the things talked about here, which if presented in a court of law would certainly amount to racketeering:

  • creating diseases

  • controlling the narrative with education both public and medical

  • commandeering the medical journals and stifling funding for natural cures

  • lying to the public and harming the public by suppressing competitive work

  • unquestioningly serving the pharmaceutical empire

  • defrauding the public of valuable information and research

  • sowing public distrust by creating polarizing and violent "camps" in the public

  • using fear mongering to increase market share

  • deliberately falsifying data and studies, cherry picking and omitting to publish any negative studies, again defrauding the public

  • creating a revolving door of psychopathic sycophants oscillating between the medical, pharmaceutical and military industries and other government agenices

  • demonizing kind hearted healers and "alternative" practice even in the face of catastrophic failure; america is sicker than ever before

  • In general; partaking in activities which not only do not have the best interests of society but are clearly politically and financially motivated; creating front organizations that are unelected such as the WHO and then creating a charade to profit off third world countries

  • using time-tested social programming practices derived from such places as the Tavistock and Brookings institutions, which are literally dedicated to teaching the arts of propaganda and social programming, and then proceeding to omit these tactics to the unknowing public, creating an unfair advantage

  • creating a sick society full of medicated zombies who have no self esteem and no clue how to take care of themselves, not even the barest basics of nutrition taught, and then cashing in on the brainwashed masses to create an empire rivaling that of any in history

  • doing so with full knowledge that the current medical paradigm is failing, has been for decades and is only getting worse and more expensive

So as a society it is high time that we may have to just take a sledgehammer to each of these pillars one by one, and all the other scientific coverups and shenanigans that have been going on for so long. Most importantly we have to quit beating each other down just because we don't all agree on every single thing. The unfortunate truth is that we all started out at a disadvantage in our own ways. Most of us were programmed by people that were programmed by other people that were programmed and so we came out of the indoctrination centers not only without any real knowledge but implanted views about very important subjects, we were taught to not question authority and it seems that we were socially designed to argue and try to force our programming on other people. This creates walls, or in this case jail cell bars between us.

Just imagine for one second if, like zombies out of a hollywood movie, we stopped arguing with each other and pretending like we know it all, knowing fully well that we really don't know shit. We each have a very small slice of world knowledge that we need to share with humanity to improve. Public indoctrination instills a sense of entitlement. We can start off learning tons of information but then make the unfortunate mistake of confusing our stored up knowledge as a complete worldview. The biggest stride someone can make in my opinion is to admit they are wrong. I had to do this with essentially my entire degree when I got into the "real world" and started helping people in person on a daily basis.

I think that this is what "waking up" really means. Its coming to that conlusion that one or more major issues in life may be entirely the opposite of what we thought. Many people claim to be awake but are very close minded. The accumulation of facts and information has warped into an emotional connection which leans right into the wheelhouse of the industries that strive to control.

"I'm smart, you're dumb. You are in a cult, I am not because I am mentally superior. You fall for stupid stuff, I don't". This is the attitude that we need to change. Its so much more exciting anyway to hear people with all types of opinions. Its certainly more empowering.47579178_1031278937058479_4751720622499823616_n.jpg

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