the benefits of soursop fruit

Benefits of Soursop for the body very much at all, the soursop has many benefits such as overcoming constipation to prevent cancer disease malignant though. At a glance about the soursop that fruit consists of 67.5 percent meat fruit, 20 percent of the fruit skin, 8.5 percent fruit seeds, and 4 percent of the core on the fruit of the soursop is carbohydrates.

Please be aware soursop fruit is a fruit that is called by different names in various regions in Indonesia. Soursop fruit in Java known as nangka landa and jackfruit walanda, in Sundanese known as soursop, while at Madura called jackfruit buris. Call soursop in Bali is the srikaya java while in the area of Aceh called boh lôna, unique Calling comes from Nias, namely durio ulondro, While in Minangkabau is called durian betawi, as well as guava landa in Lampung. Hopefully you are not confused because although the different places where the Benefits of Soursop are many.

Benefits Of Soursop

Benefits of Soursop for health of the body very much, soursop has been trusted for decades to treat a variety of diseases and prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases that can attack human body. Here are some benefits of soursop fruit for health of the human body.

  1. Prevent and Treat Cancer

As well as the benefits of mangosteen which is quite potent as an anti-cancer, soursop also can prevent and treat cancer or tumors. Soursop is believed to have antioxidants that can prevent the occurrence of cancer, while the leaves are believed to treat cancers that attack the body. In addition to the fruit, the benefits of soursop leaves are also believed to be more potent to the problem of cancer.

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