Suddenly blood with nose

Suddenly blood with nose

Suddenly all the people are worried when they are bleeding with their nose. Generally, the incidence of blood transfusion with the nose of the child and the elderly is more. For various reasons the nose can read blood. The inner blood vessel in our nostrils is very sensitive and slightly hurt, even if we rub, it can tear and bleed.
What causes bleeding?
Nose bleeding may occur in the nose of its own problems and other body problems.
The nose problems are usually hurt. For example: injuries to the nose of a dull object, entering outside objects, nail hitting etc while nosing the nose. The bleeding may also occur due to nose polyps, sinositis, inflammation etc.
Other parts of the body without nose, especially the head injury,Uncontrolled high blood pressure, bleeding or other bleeding, problems with blood clotting problems, such as platelet reduction, cancer or leukemia, etc. may cause bleeding in the nose. Some drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc, but somebody has ever been bleeding. Sometimes, no reason is found in the nose bleeding.
What to do?
Suddenly, when you start to read the blood from the nose, do not get frightened and sit straight and hold the nose with two fingers and hold it tightly. Soft cartilage is just below the hard bone that is above the nose. This place must be pressed down. Keep it for 5 to 15 minutes. At this time, breathing should be stopped by the nose and breathing through the mouth. You can also bake on the nose with a little ice.
That can not be done
Do not move your head back or raise your head high and you will not breathe through your nose. The blood will move from the nose to the throat and later on the stomach. There is also the risk of going to the blood vessel.
If not less
If you do not solve the problem after 20 minutes of trying to stop the blood in the house and continue to read continuously, you should go to the hospital. Besides, if there is a problem with headache, headache, headache or eye contact with nose bleeding, but must go to the hospital on an urgent basis.

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