Antibiotic Resistance and a Natural Brahmastra

*****Antibiotic Resistance and a Natural Brahmastra*****
People started fighting bacteria vs thousand years ago. And the people have been brutally defeated, repeatedly in the hands of bacteria.

Only 97 years ago A boy from the farmer's house in Scotland was the Captain of the Allied forces of the First World War. On the other hand, this boy was the Gold Medalist MBBS of the London University of 1908.
This young doctor discovered one of the world's trembling one year in 1921, and an enzyme called lysosemes. Just 7 years later, in the year 1928, the thousand years old people-bacteria-were the first in humans to fight and probably the last defense invented accidentally known as "penicillin". The young Dr. Fleming said, "One sometimes finds what one is not looking for".After the invention of Sulfonamide, Streptomycin, Cloramaphonicol, Tetrassyclin, in 1942, Salman Waxman called "ANTIBIOTICS" as the name of this defense poet.
It is said that half a century after this victory, in the 1980s, our forces in China suddenly failed. Quick study began to cause failure. One after another we were caught by our eyes, our weaknesses and cleverness of bacteria. It was seen that the "Lord Clive" of some of these warrior bacteria and "Mir Jafar-Raudurlov-Jagatshit" is our excessive use, fast cure greed and unconsciousness.In 2008, scientists confirmed that the defense of our strong man Nabab "antibiotics" is going to fall soon because the "SUPERBUG" of the anti-aircraft East India Company has already spread on four continents. They said this as the reason for the creation of this superbagh - the last one of the weapons we used at different stages of war was the last of our weapons.This superbug ray is being created when the carbapenem resistance bacteria adopts the anti-human weapons crystalline resistance gene. From then on, the sun of our independence has been going on till today.

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