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In our busy and hectic lives we forget to take care of our health, we are always in a hurry, eat the wrong kind of foods, have to deal with stress, pollution, work pressure ect , this causes a havok on our body , causes the accumulation of toxins , chenicals , plaque and god knows what else, But not to worry , if you follow these regularly and religiously and inculcate them as your habits then you can totally transform yourself.

  1. Sleep
    Our bodies need 8 hours of sleep to function properly but you already knew that din't you.
    Even more important is routine, for example if you sleep at 10pm then you MUST wake up at 6am and Follow the same sleeping pattern EVERYDAY , our brain recognises this primes our body with necessary hormones that help in a relaxed sleep and one hour before you wake it will also make sure that your mind is perfectly fresh after you wake up, but you don't let your body do that do you, you just smack the snooze button on your phone go back to that warm nice sleep, and only wake up at a point when its absolute necessary otherwise you will miss you bus or be late for work, pressing the snooze button puts your brain into deeper sleep so when you wake up again you feel dull, its a bad habit and makes your thoughts like scrambled eggs.
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  2. Breakfast
    Well your Mom was having your best interests in mind when she used to pester you for eating that oatmeal in the morning before going to school,
    Well, your brain consumes a humoungous 35% of your energy, and starving it is a very very bad idea, you see brain runs on glucose and oxygen , so when you dont eat breakfast your neurons(functional unit of your brain or brain cell)get depressed leading to you having low attention capacity , low short term memory and overall less brain power, leading to a very dull You.
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  3. Drinking water
    Yes water, our body is made up of 75% water and hardly any of us drink enough of it, just multiply you body wieght by 2/3 to know the quantity of water your body needs, now, ok everybody knows to drink water but do you know how to drink it, water should be drunk sitting down and never standing up, the reason is quite complex but bottom line bad for your heart, drink 1l of water on an empty stomach 40 mins before breakfast first thing in the morning this has many benefits, it activates your brain, detoxifies your organs espeacially liver, equals the blood pressure in different parts of the body, is great for skin, have water throughout the day, and never drink water imediately after having food this stops the digestion of food in the stomach, our stomach needs a ph of 2-4 in order to activate enzymes which help in digestion of protiens by putting water on it you disrupting this process , drink water after min 1 hour after having food.
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  4. Exercise
    Cardio on an empty stomach early in the morning is one of the best things you can do to your body , it increases blood flow to the different parts of the body , reduces cholestrol levels, exercising on an empty stomach , makes your body tap into that love handles and can improve overall stamina and physique of your body, not to mention make your brain a tad bit quiker in making decisions.
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  5. Cold showers
    You must like WHAT?!!!
    But guyz trust me nothing, nothing jolts your brain into present moment than a lung wracking cold shower, not only that not only will it stablise your hormones, clear your facial skin, lead good hair, it will lead you to have higher testosterone levels (for men) which helps you to get shit done, helps in muscle building, and lots of other benefits, the 10 mins of torture everyday will give you lots of benefits in just one week , trust me on this one.
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  6. Yoga
    Just 5 mins of yoga in the morning can help you get rid of stress, tensions, anxiety, depression, lowers blood preassure,negative thoughts.
    Search for kapalbhathi parnayam on youtube,
    Is a great exercise take no time at all, but important thing to note is that this exercise is very potent and must be done in a very very relaxed manner, not to hurry espeacially ehen you are new, instruuctiin must be followed to letter, if not can lead to entirely opposite results, i repeat plz do this in relaxed slow manner, otherwise can lead to increase in Blood Preassure (FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) but if done properly it has unlimited benefits
    Glowing skin,
    No anxiety, stress, depression
    Lowers Blood pressure
    Clears up the mind
    Detoxifies the body
    Strenthens the immune system.

So guyz these are my 6 morning habits that i personally follow, it will hard at first but if you stick to these am absolute sure you will be greatly benefitted.

This is my first real post, was made on my phone, don't have a laptop, so plz don't hesitate to give feedback on how to improve my content, your feedback is very important to me, thankyou and have a nice day.

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