3 Effective Ways to Clear Your Sinuses

In order to breathe, you have to inhale and exhale. A blockage in your sinuses, however, can prevent that. So, it’s important to clear your sinuses.

Your sinuses are made of bone cavities that are connected to your nose.

They’re filled with mucus and are responsible for keeping this part of your body moist, balancing your air intake, and distributing the weight of your facial bone structure.

These functions are especially important during winter when congestion can become your biggest enemy.

At that time, your sinuses become inflamed and can interrupt your breathing. Additionally, this can occur due to an infection, a virus, or allergies.

Normally, air passes through your nose and sinuses without any interruption. When this doesn’t happen, however, you may experience sinusitis, which is caused by a cold, the flu, or bacteria.

So how can you clear your sinuses once and for all? Pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. Rinse with saltwater

salt on a spoon and glass mug of water to clear your sinuses
Excessive congestion in the sinus cavities can get worse during the night. The best way to avoid this discomfort is to use a nasal rinse with saltwater before you go to bed.
This method will clear your sinuses and reduce any inflammation.


3 teaspoons of salt (15 g)
1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 g)
1 cup of distilled or purified water (250 ml)

A large dropper

First you’ll add the salt to the distilled water and mix well.
Then add the baking soda, and continue to stir.
You should eventually obtain a colorless mixture.
How to use it

All you need to do is fill the dropper halfway with this solution.
Tilt your head to the left and inhale through your mouth.
Pour this solution slowly into your right nostril and wait for it to come out of the left side.
If you feel like the solution is running into your ear or down your throat, change position.
Repeat on the left side.
Finally, blow your nose to remove any waste or excess mucus and clear your sinuses.
See also:
5 home remedies for a sore throat
Steam baths

woman with a steam bath and pink towel to clear her sinuses
Steam works as a natural cleanser and moisturizer. It also drains the affected area and improves your cardiovascular system by removing toxins.
It also releases endorphins, which help your body relax and will clear your sinuses.


For starters, boil some water or run some very hot water to produce steam.
How to use it

Bring your face close to the source of steam.
Inhale and exhale slowly to clear the area.
Do this for five minutes.
Finally, moisten a towel with the hot water and apply it to your face.
Wait until it cools before you remove it.
Read also:
How to eliminate nasal congestion in less than a minute
Essential oil massage

essential oil to clear your sinuses
Oregano oil is one of the most therapeutic oils. It has antioxidant properties and cleansing substances that make it the perfect remedy for infections.
When you combine it with almond oil you get even better results, because it moisturizes the skin and hydrates your sinuses.


1 tablespoon of almond oil (15 g)
2 drops of oregano oil

First of all, be sure to wash your hands and face thoroughly.
Mix the almond oil with two drops of oregano oil.
How to use it

Warm the mixture in your hands and gently rub it over the area of your sinuses.
While using circular movements, inhale and exhale slowly to absorb the essence of the oils and their properties.
Continue this for five minutes and you’ll notice that your breathing is easier.
Other recommendations

Take vitamins to strengthen your immune system and fight the symptoms.
Drink hot teas to open up your airways.
Use warm compresses on your sinuses three times a day.
Drink more fluids to stay hydrated.
Avoid smoking or being around people who are smoking.
Don’t blow your nose constantly, because you’ll only wind up with a dry nose.
Blow your nose gently to keep from inflaming or breaking any blood vessels.
Don’t sleep on your stomach – this facilitates the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.
Keep your rooms free from dust.
Don’t stop doing physical activity. Remember that releasing endorphins also relieves pain.
The next time a virus wants to thrive in your body, you know how to attack. Get rid of it!

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