What to do when you are infected chikungunya

When you are affected with the newly arising disease known as chikungunya you must soon consult with a doctor as your body might not be producing vitamins sufficiently.
So, you mu9st according to the consultation take a vitamins and rest a lot. This disease as far as I as a general citizen of the world know is a mosquito/fly/insect-borne disease. So, you must not avoid this at any cost and seek help. And for sure I can say you will obviously as a first hand sufferer of the disease itself. here is what happened to me-

I just got a new tuition and so I was happy as this was a way to earn a few buck and have a way to spend for my own expenses. By the way I am a student doing my honors in the Department of Chemistry. So, there was this student of standard-7 I was going to teach that day when it suddenly started raining.
I got a bit wet and came home that night just to fall in bed hard. Then started the disease. Oh my god did I wish to die. I could not move . I could not breathe properly . i was just laying there with all my senses making me feel the intense pain. It was terrible. Your bones are going to hurt a lot if you get this disease and it might hurt for more than a month or more even. That is just bad isn't it? Let me know what you think and if youd like to know more in the comments.

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