be mindful with what you eat

We have to eat every single day to survive right, i mean it's a given but how often do you think about what you're eating? where it comes from? we live in a world where we don't really have to think about what we are eating, or when our next meal is going to be because the grocery market is right down the road with everything that you need available. Think about it for a moment you go to your local market and buy a steak, you didn't have to hunt for the animal, kill it , and then be able to cook and consume it; companies have already done that for you. therefore you don't have to think about it, so you continue to buy the steaks, the chicken, and hot dogs. we are never mindful of the harm and abuse that comes to animals daily, hundreds of innocent animals being over fed, left in there feces and killed in an inhumane to keep up with people's demand for meat. i'm writing this to ask people the next time you eat meat to be mindful, shop grass fed, support small companies that are humane with their animal production, they may be a bit more pricey but in the end it's well worth the money. opt for a big salad with a small side of chicken instead one night, or opt for almond milk over regular milk. be mindful of this earth and its beautiful animals, people can eat meat , and be mindful of how much of it that we are consuming. life with a plant based diet will make you feel and look healthier, it'll even make you live longer. don't believe me, try it for yourself ;)
(first official post sorry for my poor writing)

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