Finally got myself a new bike!

Hey there steemians! This will be a little different from my usual posts as it's a bit more personal from my everday life and a lot less about photocontests, travels or art, hope you'll enjoy the little read anyways..
For a long long time I've been quite a lazy bastard and honestly I've maybe gotten a little too much handle and too little love in those love-handles of mine. Most of all it probably comes down to a shitload of bad excuses for not taking care of myself, but also that I haven't had a decent bike for more than a year which really sucks because biking in the woods is my favorite kind of exercise.
I've been driving mountainbike for a the past few years (poorly but enthusiastically) and it's absolutely amazing to ride the various trails of my home area. Unfortunately I've on two separate occasions had my bike stolen, funny enough both times when I've lend it out to friends, and the last time was a bit of bad timing seeing that I was going away to the Philippines so I never got around to buy a new one.

Isn't it just a beauty? I really enjoy the Specialized bikes even when they are a bit budget

But now it's here and I can't wait to take it for a spin this weekend in the forest, just help me cross your fingers for some good weather (or whatever is the norm in your culture to being out the sun!)
If you are into the tech side of mountainbikes and want some specs you can find them all in this link.

Specialized Rockhopper Expert 2018 29"

I still haven't decided what trail I'll be going for but we have a really nice start up trail close to where I live where I can get some kilometers in the legs if I don't die first. I swear, my shape is horrible, so if you don't hear from me here on steemit again it's because I'm lying somewhere in the forest panting and trying to crawl my way back to the civilization.
In any case I'm going to enjoy the nature and get some fresh air, and as an extra bonus, the trees has started to turn green so hopefully I'll get some awesome pictures also to share the Danish spring with you all.

From my test drive when I bought it, was such a rush to be out and about again stomping those pedals like a maniac

Enjoy your week steemit-zens and stay awesome.. and once again, do a sun dance or something, help me out a bit there!

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