Bringer of light but for Christians only

My friend received this in her letterbox. At first sight my thought: some religious group. My child thought it would be from some flight agency. I was right.
It's a bad folder, badly written and as suggestive as the QR code. A jab doesn't mean you are immune! Immune means you are NOT able to be infected. You won't get sick.
We know people who are injected do get sick. Not only if it comes to the coronavirus but all viruses.
Immune are only a few people and they will always be immune unless their DNA is damaged by the experimental injections of false prophets. Thank God, it's a free choice so those who are armed cannot blame anyone for it what these people don't do. They put their trust in old men like Fauci while real Christians trust god while others go for nature, work on a healthy body, mind and with that trust their immune system. This way we all have what we want and no one needs to fear someone else.


The 'bringer of light' of this folder hopes to catch the souls of those who feel lost. He abuses the QR code but doesn't say: Stop the nonsense. We do what is right.
Instead he blah blahs about the mark of the beast and you better buy yourself a place in heaven before the world comes to an end.
According to this man, the world will end soon and the only ones who will be saved are Christians. The rest of the population, Muslims included will be killed.

I wonder what god will say about this. Does this man truly believe he will end up in paradise with an attitude like that? The text of the folder is insulting, misleading, meant for the stupid only.
I wrote to my friend "Don't worry little sinner you may be bad but God loves the lost sheep above all. He has a plan and Jesus died for you too. There's no need to buy a ticket for heaven. Please, consider moving to the Bible belt."

For what it's worth. There are always people who try to have benefited from others fear. Do not fall for it. In 2000 the world should end, in the 80's we heard the same story. Don't buy these Jones town stories! Protect yourself. Do not accept unaddressed junk in your letterbox.

#kittywu #life #qr #betterlife #stopthenonsense

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