Vaginal Yeast Beer. Good idea or just plain gross?


Hey đź‘‹. So I saw this on twitter and I had to give my take on it. Which, might surprise you.


Beer made from vagina yeast, yup. I took a little stroll on the web and found their indiegogo (which has closed) and their official site. It's a legit (expensive) beer.


Before I give my opinion let's hear what the company has to say about their product.

"Imagine woman of your dreams, your object of desire. Her charm, her sensuality, her passion… Try how she tastes, feel her smell, hear her voice… Now imagine her giving you a passionate massage and gently whispering anything you'd like to hear. Now free your fantasies and imagine all of that can be closed in a bottle of beer. A golden drink brewed with her lure and grace and flavored with wild instincts. Imagine a beer which every sip offers a rendez-vous with this hot woman of your dreams… she hugs you and kisses you gently, looking straight into your eyes… How much would you give for such a beer?"

"We, the Order of Yoni, have prepared technology making creation of such unique beer possible. The beer containing quintessence of femininity. The technology enabling materializing her loveliness, gracefulness and character, giving you the possibility of conversion of a tasty beer into a date with real goddess."

"The secret of the beer lies in her vagina. Using hi-tech of microbiology, we isolate, examine and prepare lactic acid bacteria from vagina of a unique woman. The bacteria, lactobacillus, transfer woman’s features, allure, grace, glamour, and her instincts into beers and other products, turning them into dance with lovely goddess." - source

So the way I see this, How they market this beer is totally silly. But is it gross? Hell no! Are you kidding me? Do you know how much yeast you consume anytime you perform oral sex on a woman? Way more than a what is in one of those bottles. I think most people when they hear this, are probably thinking of yeast infection or something. Which is just a bacteria overgrowth issue. An imbalance in bacteria strains that can be rebalanced naturally. But anyways.

Think of it this way, at least its natural. A woman's vaginal bacteria is actually very beneficial to health. Take for example babies born vaginally have been shown to have more protections from some health problems as opposed to babies removed from the womb via c-section.

"A number of studies have found evidence that this C-section microbiome could make the child more vulnerable to problems later in life, such as asthma, food allergies, hay fever and obesity. “Maybe we can reduce this risk by restoring the microbiome of C-section babies,” says Jose Clemente at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City." - source

Back to grownups. What are the benefits of oral sex with a woman? Lactobacillus.

"Lactobacillus is also present in your gut, where it is usually termed 'probiotics,' Broadly pointed out. Probiotics aid digestion, allowing good microorganisms to balance out your gastrointestinal system, according to Medical Daily.

Eating probiotics can prevent illness, the Cleveland Clinic reported. They can also boost your mood and help alleviate depression, according to Medical Daily. Sounds good, right?" - source

Free probiotics? Hell yeah. Having a healthy gut is critical to your mental health. Lots of studies are coming out now, proving the gut/brain connection. Linking gut health to mental health issues such as depression and schizophrenia.

Now, would I recommend that you buy this beer? Hell no! It's friggin expensive, for a beverage. You are far better off just going down and making your gf happy, than wasting your dollars on this 'sexy' beer.

However, I can think of worse beer you could spend your money on.


"The main food safety concern is that the gross alteration in the yeast’s biochemistry caused by the genetic engineering process poses a high risk of producing novel toxins or increased levels of known toxins, which will no doubt pass through to the marketed product. Even if most of the GM yeast is removed from the final product, the yeast may secrete a toxin into the surrounding beer-like fluid, which will end up being consumed. Hence the strong need for safety testing.

A GM yeast developed in the 1990s was found to contain unexpectedly high levels of methylglyoxal, a highly toxic substance which is mutagenic (damages DNA) and carcinogenic. Its concentrations were 30 times higher than those found in non-modified strains of yeast." - source

Thanks for reading. Let me know your thoughts on vaginal beer in the comments section below.

P.S. Eat a pussy.

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