The strange signs that may indicate a fatal disease


In most cases, your lamps, bumps, rashes and red spots are not harmful. But sometimes they may be a sign of a deadly disease. The first episode of the three episodes today with 42 symptoms that may indicate a serious disease.

Your neck looks dirty


Todd Sontag, Family Medicine Specialist of Health Health Association of Orlando Health, said, "There is a discoloration like the rash, the acanthosis nigrican which is almost dirty to look, but the feeling is smooth or soft." Sintra usually looks after patients in the back or the throat. It is usually a symptom of diabetes or insulin resistance. Dr. Sontang mentions, 'The patients come and say that their rash is not going away.' Your doctor can take blood tests to know blood sugar levels for diagnosis.

You are a woman but your hair is growing on the cheek

Dr. "It is a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome that can be grown in women's eyes in the case of women," he said. "Normally you will see some hair, but this hair is black and thick like a beard." Hormonal imbalance can also have negative effects on your period and thus You can move towards infertility. Your medical history and symptoms will help your physician make the right decision.

You have blood stains in your eye


Blood spot or blood stain in the eyes is known as the subconjunctival hemorrhage. According to the American Heart Association, "People who have high blood pressure or diabetes are more common in subconjunctival hemorrhage." According to the organization, hypertension and diabetes have no connection with these blood spots, even though they do not cause blood spots.

Your thumb has swollen


An early symptom of gout can be swollen your thighs. Feeling pain in the swollen fingers. It can indicate the risk of high blood pressure and kidney disease. Your doctor can diagnose it in medical history and examination.

You have a strong urge to ice

Dr. "Sometimes a patient comes and says that what I want to do is to take the ice for the whole day." It is a sign of iron deficiency anemia or a lack of iron deficiency. Your blood test will be required and your doctor will want to diagnose why you are suffering from hypoglycemia - are you losing blood or producing enough blood? You will be treated based on the answer to this question.

Your eyes are swollen


Dr. "Eyes can be swollen," says Stang, "a type of overactive thyroid." Your other symptoms may also appear, such as unexpected weight loss or irritable mood. This problem can be detected through thyroid blood tests. Iodine treatment can slow your thyroid and you can control the problem with thyroid medicines. Dr. "Sometimes thyroid relaxes."

You've been shorter


A silent symptom of osteoporosis is decreasing or decreasing in height. When your bones become weak, the vertebrae of your spine will begin to contract and you will lose height. If your height decreases to 1.5 inches from what was at the age of 20, then go to the doctor.

Your urine is muddy


When urine is transparent and light lavender when urination is okay. If the urine is dark and yellow, then you may be dehydrated. But if the urine is dark or very dark, it may indicate bladder stones. Physical diagnosis and urine tests can be diagnosed.

Your legs are felt rigid


If your feet feel brittle or feel rigid, it can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis, which is higher in men than women and is usually between 20 and 40 years of age. Another symptom of this may be fatigue (accompanied by joint pain or may not be there). If you feel rigid or strong in the legs for four weeks, go to the doctor.

Black your stool


There is no doubt that black cloth gives any warning signal. Your stool may be black for two reasons. First, because of taking Pepto Bismol, which can make moles black. Second, due to diagnosticated blood- your doctor can diagnose more serious problems such as Stomach ulcer or GI cancers.

Your urine is pink or red


Pink or red urine indicates that you have blood in your urine. According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common cause of pink or red urine is urinary tract infection or kidney infections, but kidney cancer, bladder cancer or progressive stage of prostate cancer may also be pink or red in urine. Need urine tests to know the cause of bloodshed.

Your eyes look like cola


In particular, after a much more workout or marathon run, your urine might look like a cola. This may be a sign of rhabdomyolysis. If the tissue of the muscles is broken, it can be done that can damage your kidneys. If you have symptoms of this serious disease, go to the doctor immediately.

Burning your face


Burning mouth is called burning mouth. Pine and test nerve damage can cause burning mood syndrome. You will suffer a severe pain in your face and it lasts for months. If you do not have any test for diagnosis of this problem, check your doctor diagnostic test for other possible reasons.

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