#Health Tips : Sufficient Sleep to Keep the Heart Young !!!


If you practice sleeping daily for seven hours, the heart will be healthy and will reduce the risk of heart disease. Research results were found in the study of Emory University of Georgia, USA.

Studies show that cardiovascular degeneration is the lowest of those who are sleeping at seven hours a night regularly.

Less than seven hours or more sleeping increases heart failure or increases heart rate. Among those who sleep less, their age is the biggest influence on their heart.

Sleeping and fast heart rate - Comparing the comparison, sleeping with the risk of heart disease can be found in sleeping time.

Julia Dermar of Emory University of Georgia, USA, said, "The important reason for this research is that sleeping is working as a benchmark to measure the risk of heart disease.

For the study published in the 'Slip' journal, 12 thousand 775 people aged between 30 and 74 were observed.

Participants told during their sleep, researchers, who were divided into five classes. Five or less, six hours, seven hours, eight hours, and nine hours or more.

Researchers using the gender-based 'Framingham heart age algorithm' find out the age of each participant's heart. As well as various types of tests, try to find out the relationship between sleeping and heart disease. The average outcome, those who sleep for seven hours every 24 hours, their heart rate is the lowest.

Dormer said, "We hope our research will play a beneficial role in the treatment of heart patients."

According to the US National Sleep Foundation, "Those who do not sleep enough, they have more risk of heart disease. There is no relation between whether they have the age, weight or the habit of smoking.

When the sleep is reduced, the physical process of metabolism, blood pressure, inflammation, etc. gets disinfected, thereby leads to related diseases. Again, there is a possibility of the same event occurring on the extra sleep.

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