Carrots can help your blood pressure...

I think today will be my final day sharing quotes and thoughts about eating carrots. It is a all a consequence of me watching the Twin Experiment on Netflix, in which the essence of it all to me was to try to eat more vegetables and cut down on the amount of meat I eat. I will not become an all in vegan, that is for sure, but I already knew from before, and even more now, that we should definitely eat more fruits and vegetables.

I have already shared how carrots contain fiber which has a good impact on bowel movements (contractions), and the fiber will also soften the stool, which all helps you do a number two on the toilet more regularly and in an easier way. Carrots are also recommended for strengthening your sight, as it has a positive effect on both eye health and your immune system. I still remember how Winnie the Pooh had to eat carrots once in order to find something they lost in the darkness.

"Including carrots in your diet can be beneficial for cardiovascular health, as they are low in calories and provide essential nutrients like potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure." - American Heart Association

The last quote tells us that carrots in your diet can be beneficial for your heart as they do not contain a lot of calories, but they have nutrients that are useful for your body and will help your body regulate your blood pressure. Isn't that nice?


Time to grab a carrot, right? Or should I eat my egg and bacon for breakfast? Or should I skip the bacon and maybe eat a carrot instead? These are the hard questions of life.

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