Abnormal Vaginal Discharge; A CRY FOR HELP!!!

Hello Ladies!

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It's time we pay more attention to minor things we might see as less important such as vaginal discharge; the colour, the smell and the quantity. Vaginal discharge is important because it helps to keep the vaginal clean and prevent infection, but it might interest you to know that not all vaginal discharge is normal.

The colour of a normal discharge ranges from a clear to a milky white colour depending on the time in your menstrual cycle. The discharge increases during ovulation, breastfeeding or when sexually aroused. However, if the colour, the smell or it's consistency seems unusual, especially if it is accompanied by vaginal itching or burning, you could be noticing an infection or other conditions.

There are three diseases that usually present itself as vaginal discharge. They include; Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis and Bacterial vaginosis.

Candidiasis- watery white or creamy discharge and of thin or curdy inconsistency.

Trichomonas vaginitis - profuse lime green or yellow discharge and it is frothy (foamy, small bubbles) in consistency. It also has a foul smell with vulva irritation or soreness.

Bacterial vaginosis - brownish, watery and offensive discharge with no associated itching.

Once any of this symptoms are observed or when there is an alteration in your vaginal discharge, kindly seek the attention of a qualified medical personnel.

When untreated, some vaginal infections can spread to the upper reproductive tract and cause more serious illness and in the long term causing INFERTILTY.

Basic personal hygiene (cleanliness without the use of douches and perfumed chemical agents, including so-called "feminine hygiene" products)

Avoid tight synthetic under wears

Use of contraceptives

Treatment of sexual partner

With this information, I hope we will be more sensitive to our vagina; watching out for an alteration, maintaining basic personal hygiene and practicing safe sex.


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