Apollo Neuro - what it did for me & my HRV- Review

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One of the things my specific brand of Autoimmune disease does is cause random spikes of high uncontrollable blood pressure. I am pretty maxed out on any standard medications as my heart rate is already dipping into the fifties as is my diastolic (lower blood pressure number)which is mostly around 54. It is my systolic (the upper number ) blood pressure that is an issue it will randomly go into the 180’s and not stop until I take a nitroglycerine and stop moving completely. The whole thing gets pretty scary as my face often goes numb and I get seizure type events when this happens. Up until now none of my doctors were able to help it seemed I was doomed to live like this. I will not deny that the medical fields inability to help me has left me somewhat despondent . It is been over 10 years now and there is still little headway outside of my own research attempts and trial and errors.


image source NC heart health pamphlet

This winter I repeatedly ended up in the hospital because my blood pressure was hitting around 200/100 and it eventually caused swelling and other brain issues. There was nothing they could do. It is pretty humbling when the health care sytem fails you repeatedly and it becomes clear to you that to them you are of little consequence. As I am quite partial to living I once again decided to take things in my own hands, as they were clearly not going to. This is when I fell upon a study on HRV (Heart Rate Variability) showing that it is incremental to over all physical and mental health. So what is Heart Rate Variability, well it is basically the discrepancy between your heart rate and your breathing rhythm. People with mental conditions such as PTSD, depression , anxiety desolders and many going through severe illness show a large discrepancy in their Heart Rate Variability rates. This metric can show you how much stress your mind and body is going through, even if you do not feel the effects consciously your body does and it shows in your HRV.

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Besides my autoimmune, neuropathy and chronic pain issues I also have PTSD, Bipolar disorder as well as OCD. Which just makes me blessed with all kinds of stressors. After my Stints in the Hospital I was adamant on doing something and it seemed that HRV could be another key in fixing the overall issues. After reading the HRV study I wanted to see if my spikes coincided with changes in my personal HRV so I got a Heart Rate Variability tracker for my iWatch. Lowe and behold the dips in my HRV and the spiked in my blood pressure matched up in 99% of the cases. This was good information but what to do with it ? I obviously could not remain in my beached whale state forever- it is not a life. I started researching online and found the Apollo Neuro a wearable device that claims to be able to retrain you nervous system and balance out you HRV rates. I was super sceptical. Witch so many medical hoaxes and scammers out there I often assume the worst. I researched some more about it. The online reviews were mixed and the device itself was not cheap (almost $400) but I was desperate and some people had a lot of good things to say so I decided to give it a try.


The device came in a sleek white box with a charging cable (no charger ) and two bands in large and medium. If you need to get a smaller size you will have to buy it from the site, which I will have to do soon as the medium is almost too big for me now and definitely will be when I lose more weight. I will not lie this things is clunky and the band is not the softest thing in the world and takes some adjusting to. It also attracts animal hair like a magnet and I have given up trying to fight the inevitable in that regard. But to my infinite surprise it brought my blood pressure down after only one session during a spike. I was amazed as the makers say you have to wait a while for it to work. After a Week of use I can say this thing works for me consistently. The minute I have symptoms, or my HRV dips, or/and my blood pressure shoots up I use it and it works. It also seems to have a long term effect because I have not had anymore of my extreme HRV dips ( my worst was a 4 I kid you not ) nor have I had a blood pressure spike over 160 during this week. I have not had to use my Nitro either. Now it has only been a week, we will have to see how this pans out long term, but for now I am very impressed at the performance.

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What it does

The Apollo Neuro uses almost inaudible sound waves and vibration patterns to communicate with your nervous system and its stress responses. They have several patterns designed for different situations that are supposed to retrain your nervous sytem into becoming more resilient and balanced . I find it super interesting as I remember that my uncle and mad but brilliant scientist Alexis Guy Obolensky used to talk for hours about how many ancient cultures made references to sound as healing medium, such as sound chambers amongst other things.

In the end, this thing works. It is not perfect, as I said the design is lacking in my opinion. It reminds me of a prison anklet but I rather have it be somewhat fugly and work than the other way round. I will be making updates from time to time to keep you updated on the long term effects of the thing. Right now I use it consistently over the day at least 10 times . Yesterday I used it in combination with my VR headset to meditate and it really gave that a boost as well. So yes I recommend this device because it has helped me regain another bit of my life back . If you would like to I know more about this device and the science behind it go to their website and as always I am not sponsored I am just telling you what works for me.

thank you for your interest


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(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the late loved and so very missed jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme)


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