Warning Signs Your Body Is TOO Acidic And How To QUICKLY Alkalize It

The following article was posted in Eco News Media on July 24th:

By now you’ve likely heard that acidity in your body can contribute to cancer, but do you know how to recognize the signs and fix it?
In particular, our bodies function best between pH values of 7.0 – 7.4, though there’s some range involved.
For instance, the mouth, pharynx and esophagus are all slightly acidic with a pH of 6.8; the pH of the healthy stomach is 1.3 – extremely acidic; the pH of the small intestine resembles that of healthy bodily fluids; and in the colon it ranges between 5.5 and 7.

This is important because as Dr Otto Warburg first discovered, acidity contributes to cancerous cell growth.Additionally, if your pH is out of balance, digestive problems can occur and your body can’t assimilate the goodness from food, which can make you feel constantly tired. Blood pressure, insulin levels and cholesterol, as well as body weight and immune system function, are all influenced by changes in pH levels.

Consider the following signs and symptoms of acidosis:

Dysfunction of the cerebrum of the brain which may progress to coma if there is no intervention
Feeling tired
Flapping tremor
You can forego urine and saliva strips as they don’t address body system acidity/alkalinity. Your body will do everything possible to keep blood at the perfect PH. Do not use baking soda! Don’t waste money on water ionizers or buying high-alkaline waters. Remember – just as your body will go to extremes to balance your body when you eat highly acid foods – it will also put out “alkaline fires” too.
The quickest way alkalize your body besides eating lower on the food chain is to squeeze lemon into your water.
Some methods for alkalizing your body are straightforward and focus on dietary and lifestyle changes, while others will require specialist support and guidance, such as the use of alkaline minerals.
Cesium chloride, germanium, rubidium and other alkalizing minerals can be used to alkalize the body.

We prefer fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds for alkalizing, however.
A food’s natural pH level does not necessarily indicate the effect it will have on the body. For example, lemons and limes are known to have an alkaline effect on the body, despite their initial (citric) acidity, so squeeze some lemon in your water and drink before a meal.
Again, lemon in water is the quickest way to alkalize your body naturally.
And of course, don’t forget to assess your stress levels. Sound sleep, exercise and regular relaxation can do wonders for the body and mind.
Happy alkalizing!

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