I use Colloid Silver daily (and I make my own!)

Hello again.
This is a testimony from me about the benefit I have gained from using colloid silver solution (25 parts/million) on a daily basis. About 7 years ago, I accidently scraped the back of my hand on a doorframe. At first, it looked and felt like a normal, minor scraze. The skin was broken and I applied antiseptic to it and thought no more about it. However, after a couple of days, the wound was not better but slightly larger. It had spread to the size of around 2 inches on the back of my hand, also other sites had erupted up my arm to my elbow. Just small spots of skin broken and itchy. This concerned me enough that I took a trip to my GP. He diagnosed Eczema and prescribed a steroid cream, to be applied twice daily for 5 days and then 2 days without (to prevent the skin becoming thinned). This reduced the eczema whilst I used it, but by the time I resumed the treatment after the 2 days 'rest', the outbreaks had continued to reappear. My GP said that this may never clear up completely, and although not very severe, It was irritating. I discovered colloid silver whilst searching for cures for skin problems and bought 2 500ml. bottles online. I used about 20ml per dose (taken orally) and soon noticed a reduction in the inflammation. Still applying the steroid cream initially, I decided to reduce the steroid cream to once per day. The eczema has been controlled to such an extent that I sometimes don't apply any steroid cream for 5 days, and even then, there are virtually no new outbreaks on any areas of my body.
I brought my own equipment with which to make colloid silver, and have since reduced my cat's conjunctivitis by adding a small dose to her food. I am very pleased to recommend this treatment to anybody.


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