Community interest

Hey all, I've noticed some well written articles out in the community along with some shall we say more opinionated one not grounded in fact. My background is in science and medicine, specifically the topics that fall within the broad categories of neuroscience, emergency medicine and toxicology.

I am a physician but I will not be giving advice out over the internet. If you have any personal concerns please speak with your physician.

I'd like to help educate the community regarding matters that fall within the purview of my clinical and academic expertise. With that in mind are there certain topics the community would like to learn more about? For example... what tests are part of a chest pain workup and why might your doctor consider them? What is a stroke and why is it important that I take a statin.. isn't that for my heart? I do a lot of education for patients daily and I feel sharing some of this with you all would be fun and educational for all. There are many ways to work up a patient and not every doctor will do it the same way in general. Ask your physician what they are thinking about and what the tests they order mean to your specific complaint. Some complaints do not require labs or imaging. You'd be surprised what a good history and physical can do!

My second love in medicine is toxicology and I will be starting my formal fellowship training in this discipline starting in July out in California. I can speak to many matters in this space off the cuff but your interests will provide me some more motivation for exploring and explaining some topics. Look for a post about deathcap mushrooms coming soon!

I can't promise I'll get to everything but just leave a comment on some ideas and I'll get started.

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