Today's rant


I'll keep my money for old age.
Rather die of natural causes than live a prolonged life with all sorts of side effects.
Not meant to live forever.
I'll stick with trying my best to live healthy as I can without over excessive consumerist ways in my path.
Rather try clean up the world around me than too take drugs doing combat with what we as humans do to this planet
And in turn to ourselves.
We are the real cause of our own problems.
Not just for ourselves but for future generations like generations before us have done. Asbestos for one ring any alarm bells?
We borrow the earth from our children, look at the massive mess we are leaving behind for them to deal with.

Natural selection.
No other species needs medicine to survive nor does it over commercialise putting a price tag on everything like we do.
None of them buy water.
Don't get me started on water, all the pharmaceutical chemicals we are finding in that now.
We have managed to wipe out more species to extinction than humans have caused in any other known time in our short regurgitated history.
Just my rant for the day. I'll keep it short!

Pic by Google images.

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