Health Talk 101 | Zika Virus

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live. -Jim Rohn

I woke up this morning and saw plenty of tiny red spots all over my legs and shoulders. So I hurriedly asked my mom about it and showed the spots to her. She said what I've got are mosquito bites. Call me overacting but I am really O.A when it comes to health. I was already thinking that maybe I'd get that sort of virus thing from those mosquitoes. Why not? Maybe out of 100 mosquitoes that bit me, there's maybe 1% chance that one of those carried an infectious thing. So far, I didn't feel anything though and I'm positive I don't have it. But still, I did my research about it.

What You Need To Know (Symptoms & Prevention)


Following the 2015 outburst of Zika infections in Brazil and surrounding nations, it quickly became evident that the virus could result to microcephaly—a smaller than normal head—and other abnormalities in babies born to infected mothers.

Whole-genome sequences of 110 Zika virus isolates from people, and mosquitoes from 10 countries have allowed researchers to analyze the virus’ spread throughout America. Combining the brand new sequences with 64 previously published genomes, the researchers tracked the origins of the Zika virus accountable for outbreaks in South USA, Central America, the Caribbean, the U.S. and to a common ancestor in Brazil in 2014.

From there, the virus formed genetically distinct clusters as it unfolds north. In countries like Colombia, Honduras, Puerto Rico, and the southern U.S., Zika appears to be present for as much as a year before the first report of diseases and linked microcephaly instances. “This indicates the outbreak in these regions turned in early than previously concept,” Furthermore, A Zika virus infection during pregnancy puts the fetus at risk of developing birth defects. Now, a new study suggests Zika may not be alone in harming babies. West Nile virus and Powassan virus, both flavivirus cousins of Zika, can infect and damage fetuses in pregnant mice and replicate efficiently in maternal and fetal tissues from humans. “Primarily it was found that these [related] viruses were able to cross the placenta and infect the developing fetus,” “The study is said to be provocative because it highlights the need to evaluate how other flaviviruses, such as West Nile, may affect the baby.”

Symptoms/Signs of ZIKA

Most of the people who get infected with the Zika virus do no longer show any symptoms. One out of five who get it will feel sick. The signs and symptoms appear 3-12 days upon acquiring the infection. The most common symptoms of Zika virus ailment are fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis. The illness is usually slight with the signs lasting a week. Those who are infected experience symptoms that may include:

  • low-grade fever (between 37. 8°C and 38. 5°C)
  • joint pain, especially the small joints of your hands and feet, with possible swollen joints
  • muscle pain
  • a headache
  • red eyes
  • flat, red rash with small bumps
  • feeling weak and tired.
Rare symptoms include digestive problems (abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation), small ulcers in the mouth or on the tongue, and itching.



There is no particular remedy for Zika virus infection, and if symptoms develop these will usually clear in 4-7 days. Zika contamination can also cause a rash that could confuse with some other different serious sicknesses which include measles or dengue, so it's essential that you check with healthcare professionals so one can rule out these diseases. Till dengue fever can be ruled out, try not to take aspirin and different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pills (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, as there's a risk of bleeding. Use paracetamol for pain and fever if need be. Get lots of rest and fluids, and deal with the symptoms that you have. Zika virus is distributed via mosquitoes that are lively all within the day. The best way to bypass this disease spread is total avoidance of been bitten by the mosquitoes.


Zika is expanding to many tropical and sub-tropical international areas. In line with the data available, together with the cases mentioned in New Zealand, the three Pacific states in which Zika virus infections are presently occurring are Samoa, American Samoa, and Tonga. The listed areas will be updated as more occurrences unfold. We advocate that if you're journeying to any of the Pacific Island countries, you need to always take precautions to keep away from mosquito bites. Anyone who travels to an affected area should protect themselves from mosquito bites.

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  • Use insect repellents containing DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), or IR3535. Always use as directed.
  • If you consider using both sunscreen and insect repellent, follow the sunscreen first and then the repellent.
  • Use garb and equipment along with boots, pants, socks, and tents
  • Use bed nets to cover your sleeping area.
  • Stay and sleep in screened-in or air-conditioned rooms.
  • If you're sleeping in a tent, use a zip-up screen.
Until we know more, the worldwide business enterprise like WHO, recommends that women who are pregnant or plan to end up pregnant in the near destiny need to remember delaying travel to the regions mentioned above. See your healthcare issuer in case you are pregnant and increase a fever, rash, joint pain, or red eyes within three weeks after journeying to a rustic wherein Zika virus infections are occurring. Be sure to inform your issuer anywhere you traveled. If you do travel to an area in which Zika virus infections are taking place, and you propose to become pregnant after you moved, you ought to bear in mind waiting to conceive till 3 weeks after you have left the place.


All sectors which can help must be engaged, and make the general public aware of the risks and preventive measures in the fight against Zika virus disorder. People should protect themselves in from mosquito bites by way of using insect repellent, sporting clothes that cowl as a whole lot of the frame as possible, and the use of physical boundaries along with monitors, closed doorways and home windows. Anybody can assist to prevent breeding of mosquitoes with the aid of emptying packing containers that keep dirty water in and around their houses. As much as possible, let's all keep our surroundings clean and germ free.

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