Easy "Lucid Dreaming" for Fun, Health, or Subconscious answers.

--- Lucid Dreaming is natures Virtual Reality and is easy to do ---

** Easy "Lucid Dreaming" for Fun, Health, or Subconscious answers. **

In my very first sentence I will tell you that a very simple way to lucid dream is to meditate upon your topic of choice while very tired.


Joking... I will tell you much more, but if you only read that first sentence you would be well on your way to lucid dreaming fun.

Maybe you stayed out at a party till 3am and you are exhausted. When people start to drift off while trying to stay awake they easily trigger waking dreams. Dreams that spring to life based upon whatever you are thinking of.

Staggering to bed when you are exhausted may seem like a chore in itself, and then to think you should spend a half hour lucid dreaming may seem like more of a chore than fun. That's a lot of chores prior to bed.

That could be the price of learning the value of Lucid Dreaming as that method is without a doubt foolproof, and can be done by anyone without any meditation experiences or mind training.

Also; when I say "Meditating", I mean it in the sense that you assume the cross legged pose and direct your mind towards the topic of your choice. Meditating is simply focusing on a topic or lack of topic with your eyes closed... normally; while sitting or lying comfortably. I would not advise a lying down pose if you are extremely tired. There are many forms of meditation if this does not suit your definition. Basically; you just need to sit and think of the Topic you wish to come to life.

If you are new to Lucid Dreaming, then know that is only the beginning of your learning. As you do this more frequently you can develop the ability to enter dreams more freely and when less tired.

ABOUT SUBCONSCIOUS ANSWERS (caps always for emphasis).

You do not have to understand the magikal nature of our reality to do this or even believe in the magikal nature of our reality.

Dreams work well with science so no skepticism is warranted on this topic.

In fact; many inventions and mental creations have been revealed to the inventors while dreaming.

--- ART ---

Mary Shelley dreamed the Premise for "Frankenstein"

Dante dreamed the premise of his "Divine Comedy"

Paul McCartney dreamed the melody for "Yesterday"


Elias Howe invented the Sewing Machine after being prodded repeatedly by spears in a dream about cannibals. The spears had holes in them and inspired his sewing needle.

Niels Bohr designed the model of the atom after dreaming of it.

Chemist August Kekule invented Benzene after dreaming of snakes biting their tails.

I could make these lists much longer, but Lucid Dreaming is a valid technique for creating and inventing.

ABOUT IMPROVING HEALTH (caps always for emphasis)

Many athletes can train mentally in fashions similar to those mentioned in "Psycho-cybernetics" a book I'd recommend to those interested in this aspect of mental training.

Lucid Dreaming is better for this kind of mental training than just visualizing as you are more fully immersed in the experiences. You can go for a run while sleeping and train.

I've heard of a person claiming they started smoking in Lucid Dreams and then gave up cigarettes in their waking life.

Sometimes dreams are simply Cathartic and can help your body deal with repressed emotions. You know the potential of your dreams, and it is up to you to steer your mind when entering these states.


You have the most sophisticated Virtual Reality simulator already a part of your plumbing and simply "being tired" is an easy way to access this state.

You can do anything in a dream. You can fly or make love to imaginary lovers.. and these experiences can feel very real.


You can also converse with spirits in this state; albeit, that part might not jive with any skeptics who are viewing this. I am a real teacher of magik and anyone who wants to understand that magik is very real can simply dissolve a few clouds with their minds while alone (must never discuss or film) to realize we are all a part of the same god-consciousness... I know I am speaking of Lucid Dreaming here so I do not wish to confuse, but the premise behind Hermeticism, Buddhism, and Hinduism is that we are all sharing the same dream... WHILE AWAKE.. Reality is a shared dream where all our minds have influence (magik). The best way for novices to speak with the dead is simply "Ouija Boards", despite their bad reputations from the movies. I have much to say about those in my books, but this is an article on easy Lucid Dreaming.


Vitamin B6 can aid your dream recall but your dreams are stored in a short term memory that will not hold your dream memories long. You should keep a pen or recorder handy and note your dreams.

Marijuana and Alcohol can interfere with REM sleep and nocturnal spontaneous Lucid Dreaming experiences. They should not hamper your abilities as much using the tiredness method and Marijuana can be used in these instances.

It does not seem prudent to mix smoking and fire with being very tired. It reminds me of all those stories of people falling asleep while smoking. If you use the "Tiredness" method taught here, then maybe invest in a bong as that seems safer than joints if you are going to toke prior to the experiences.


Binaural beats can be found free all over YouTube. YouTube compression does hurt these files, but they are fine for practicing and for average use. THEY REQUIRE HEADPHONES (caps for emphasis).

When meditating I always advise most to avoid Delta or Theta tones (stick to Alpha, Beta) as these can quickly put a novice to sleep, however Delta and Theta tones can help trigger the Lucid Dreaming state and help us. The use of headphones and tones can also crowd out background noises such as traffic, trains, or the nearby airport.

Here is a an example of a delta frequency beats popular on YouTube. Again; HEADPHONES ARE REQUIRED as the beats are created by opposing sounds right inside your head. Listening with regular speakers would have no mind altering effects.

NOTE: YouTube has many commercials, so if you get serious about Lucid Dreaming or meditations then you should endeavor to buy a good copy from a source you enjoy (many give YouTube samples).

Another interesting YouTube meditation aid is tones.

This 528Hz tone is also called "The Miracle Frequency". When in deep meditation I find this tone tickles my skin all over.

Here is an example of one popular 528Hz tone video. THERE ARE VARIOUS FREQUENCIES THAT ARE POPULAR. 528Hz is just one popular choice.

NOW... You can also find videos where they have mixed both the Tone and the Binaural brain entrainment beats.

Such as this one.

So now you don't have to choose one or the other.


Dr. Michael A. Persinger has conducted much research on a mind tool now called "The God Helmet". It was invented by Stanley Koran and Michael Persinger and was originally called "The Koran Helmet".

As a teacher of meditation and magik, I would like to try this "God Helmet" myself, but it has only recently become available for purchasing, and I will likely wait a few years until the commercial version is tried and true. I do not have as much faith in the commercial product as I do in the studies.

"The God Helmet" uses Magnetic fields to induce a trance.

Here is a video on people experiencing "The God Helmet". It is a manufactured Lucid Dream experience according to some who have used it. I have not so refrain from judgements. It does entrain the brain and that is scientifically verified, but how effective it is must be a personal experience and judgement.

This is from The Learning Channel, but they treat it almost ominously. Still a decent video.

So.... I hope you leave this article with a full understanding of how to do...

'Easy "Lucid Dreaming" for Fun, Health, or Subconscious answers.' as this blog title suggested.

Prefer no commenting here unless you are asking questions or to report broken YouTube links, etc. I would rather not miss a sincere question but I can also be reached on YouTube and Website both under the name "The Savvy Sorcerer". I teach for free and try to answer mind power questions.

I aim to be approachable and try to answer questions about Hermetic Magik from those interested when time permits. This is a topic I teach for free and have written books on these topics.

So... Have fun and Lucid Dream..

Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer", etc)



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