Peak Performance: How Sleep, Diet, Stress, and Environment Influence Your Business?

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All business owners and entrepreneurs want their venture to run at its peak performance. You want your business to run better than a well-oiled machine, and to be as successful as possible. But in order for that to happen, you need to make sure your body and mind are also running at their peak performance. My journey to becoming “The High-Ticket Client Guy” came with all sorts of stressors, as I pushed myself to become successful in sharing my digital marketing techniques. I get how your sleep and diet can slip by the wayside when you’re laser-focused on your business. Today, I’m talking about exactly how sleep, diet, stress, and your environment can all influence your business, and how you can use them to operate at your peak performance.


When you’re kicking your business into high gear, sleep may be one of the first things to go. You stay up late working, and start up early again the next day. But if you want your business to operate at its peak performance, you want to make sure you’re taking care of your sleep schedule. As far as business goes, researchers have identified that sleep impacts your memory, decision making, creativity, mood, and overall health. And sleep is particularly important for leaders. Harvard researchers found that leaders who sleep better, lead better, as they are more likely to treat their employees better, and inspire and motivate others around them.


Your diet impacts everything from your health to your mood. If you want your business to operate at peak performance, your body needs to be there too, and you need to nourish and fuel it appropriately. No matter which particular diet you follow, experts say for peak business productivity, you should reduce or remove sugars and processed foods, eliminate foods you’re sensitive to, eat anti-inflammatory foods, and consume healthy fats, among other things. Harvard researchers also found that what you eat directly impacts your productivity. They recommend making your food decisions before you get hungry, graze throughout the day to keep your energy up, and make healthy snacks readily available, so you won’t go for the cheap, quick, and unhealthy options.


To be an entrepreneur or business owner means that there will be stress in your life, there’s no doubt about it. But if you manage your stress and keep it under control, both you and your business can operate at peak performance. Experts say stress leads to a decline in productivity and health, high employee turnover rates, higher rates of absenteeism, increased training and recruitment costs, and even higher legal costs. Find ways to manage your personal and business stress that work for you. That may include a fitness routine, such as hitting the gym, daily yoga, or a walk around the neighborhood for fresh air. There are plenty of books, online resources, therapies, and tools out there to help you manage your stress. Accept that it’s a part of life and business, and learn to manage it, so it doesn’t hold you back from smashing your goals.

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The work environment you create will impact how you work. You need to make sure you have a clear, organized space, whether that’s a corner of your bedroom, or an office with floor-to-ceiling windows. But make sure it’s a space where you can hone in, and totally focus. If working in your home office is distracting, find a coffee shop to frequent, and set up shop. It’s worth the few dollars for your latte, to operate at your peak performance without environmental distractions. If you have an office or workplace, optimize it to the best of your ability. You have the power to change your environment, if the one you’re working in is distracting, or detracting from your business.

Peak Performance

All of these factors come into play when you’re trying to operate at your peak performance. You need to tend to them, and make sure they’re all in check, so you can succeed in your venture. And don’t forget, if you’re an entrepreneur who is looking to take your work to the next level, I’m happy to team up with you to help you get there. I offer a wide-range of services to help you consistently land high-ticket clients, and even automate the process.

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