22 year old alcoholic for nearly my entire life, today is my 7th day sober!

For years I couldn't even imagine going a couple hours without alcohol, I was drinking every hour of everyday with no plan on stopping. It was damaging every aspect of my life, my family, girlfriend, friends, my mental and physical health.  In november I went to a detox centre for 5 days where they helped me over come the physical withdrawals using valium. Since I came out I did drink, one time getting so drunk I puked for 6 hours non stop. After that I promised myself to never do that to my body again. I've had minor slips since then having 1 or 2 drinks, last one was last week. I'm working on fixing my mindset. One thing I noticed that is really helpful is trying not to feel guilt or shame if you do have a slip, but instead be proud of how far you've come, and keep trying and keep doing. The feelings of guilt and shame are triggers to drink again and fall back into the hopeless mindset. Be proud of your effort. Anyone out there reading this, your doing great just by trying so keep it up! 

I originally posted this on r/stopdrinking  reddit

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