Source Field (Electrical) Grounding

Well, my wife had some trepidation regarding using Source Field antenna patches and a grounding circuit. So, I put one of the tuned patches (antenna) on the back side side of my bad shoulder that has very little cartilage and thus prone to pain. I placed two EKG pads, plugged into an electrical ground, using the plug that comes with static grounding wrist wraps, but equipped with two leads equipped with clip leads. I left the ground on for about 3 hours. The next morning I had good flexibility and little pain. Even while abusing my shoulder by lifting stuff, there was little pain. I still have the patch on and will try grounding again tonight. I think I can get my wife to put two patches on her bad knee, and two grounding pads 90 degrees apart from the antenna patches. I truly believe you can tap the Source Field (Cosmic Energy) via the patches alone, but you amplify the healing effects by hundreds of percent by grounding. You can do this outdoors if the weather is nice and the ground is slightly damp. I'll be back in touch after more research.

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